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China Share markets

  China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.

The Digital Yuan

In the Cold War, Russia had bigger power. Russia lost to USA without real war. Then, Japan lost to USA on economic war. USA gov controls Japan gov perfectly. In now, China tries to challenge USA. I don’t know future result of China vs USA. But USA can’t win to China without fellow. USA gov has to build the team “VS China”. China is already trying to make the team “VS USA”. The settlement will be decided until USA or China gov goes bankruptcy. Question:Which country will go bankruptcy first? USA or China? Now, I read news about China’s digital yuan. Recently, Crypto currency’s prices are raising. I thought that introducing digital yuan make capturing dark economy possible. Dark money is flowing to crypto currency, I think. But China gov can capture all flow of digital yuan. It means that China gov can easily increase taxes income. Because China gov can watches all money flows. Again, I ask the Question. Question:Whic

The Solicitation

  2020/12/27.     The Solicitation   When I was in Cafe, I saw the solicitation for automatic investment system (must be scam) between 2 young men. I watched them and found some things. (1)They were telling about FX or stock automatic investment tools. ->A lot of people are trying it with very efforts. (2)The solicitor was using tablet device, but recruited person was using paper and pencil. ->There is very big digital information difference between them. (3)The solicitor told that this tools would bring money forever. ->100% scam. —>The result from (1)(2)(3), I thought that the scam is happened when there is information difference. Thinking about solicitation, we have to rethink if we are hunter or food.

The Box

  2020/12/20.  The Box I am reading the book “The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger.”. Shifting Low productive works to be higher has a lot of stories. This shifting is happening in lots places. In Japan, for example, restaurants install tablet devices instead of hiring waiters. I wrote below formula in post blog post. P = ( S - C ) / T P: Productivity S: Sale C: Cost T: Time If we want to improve productivity, we reduce cost and/or time. Cost includes labor costs. Labor cost is generally proportional to working time. New technology makes less working time possible. Then labors lose incomes. This shifting is like how knowledge is treated in our brains. If we know something, it is difficult to act as not knowing it. This shifting is irreversible. I think that this shifting is happening to everybody. For example, I am learning Python on Udemy (Online Course). This means I don’t need to go to school for it. Re

The Japan society

  2020/11/14.     The Japan society   I am thinking about Japan society’s history after WW2. Japan society has tried to catch up with developed countries. It was achieved by optimized Japan system. The word “optimization” is suitable for Japanese character. Japanese are good at optimization in closed system. It means that if there are some platforms, Japanese will try to get first rank. Optimization is effective in closed system. This is one fact, and vice versa. Closed system needs optimization. If there is optimization, there is closed system. Watching current Japan society, too much optimization are there. This is caused by closed system. There are some solutions, opening closed system, keeping closed system, and so on. Japan society has chosen about keeping closed system. This is Japanese answer. And almost all Japanese don’t want to change their society. It is one solution. (I don’t know this is right choice.) They want to keep their lives as long as they can.  Japanese politics k

The NEXT one

2020/11/8.  The NEXT one USA president election has finished. Mr.Trump has done great works. He has showed us bad sides of current systems, Capitalism & Globalism. USA and other developed countries are aging, and this means that they are losing their power. This is clear from that they become to depend on MMT theory. Turning point is the time one developed country bankrupts. When turning point comes, aging developed countries will realize that they have to pay past generation’s debt. When and where the turning point will happen at, this is problem. Japan? USA? Italy? Or other country? I thought some situations, 1)Japan Japan is aging, and someday Japanese average workers will realize that they are paying past generation’s debt, not for their assets. At that time, they will do something bad thing to Japan government. Now, Japan gov is doing well, in other words, it is tricking average workers. Japan government’s bankruptcy will be after 2025.(This is roughly estimation.) 2)USA USA i

The Abstraction skill

  2020/10/24. The Abstraction   Abstraction skill is one of the most important intelligences. IQ tests on Internet often are for abstraction skill. On learning programming language, I found programming skill that it is nearly equal to abstraction skill. Recently, Japan education aims to teach this skill through programming education. This means that people will acquire not only programming skill but also abstraction skill in the future. Abstraction skill will become average skill in the future. This skill will be cheaper than now. Of course, I have to get abstraction skill more through programming & patent office’s works. But this is not good way. I think that people have to get 2 skills which earns money now, and which earns money in future. Former skill helps us to live now, latter skill helps us to live in future. And AI will acquire abstraction skill sooner or later. Are there the skills that won’t be acquired by AI? Of course, there are! AI’s skills are based on text language

「現場試験 アスファルト舗装編」アプリサポートページ web簡易版(TEST)

  このページは「現場試験 アスファルト舗装編」のアプリのサポートページです。 Web簡易版をテストとして作成しました。 密度試験 路盤 土の最大乾燥密度(g/cm3) 湿潤土の重量+袋の重さ(g) 袋の重さ(g) 湿潤土の含水率(%) 穴に入れた硅砂の重さ(g) 硅砂の密度(g)

The Taking a rest

  2020/9/21.  The Taking a rest(More than courage to quit) If someone start doing something without thinking about it deeply, they don’t have courage to quit something. The courage to quit is more important than the courage to start. People often think quitting something is negative thing. There is the words, “Sunk cost”. People often don’t want to pay sunk cost. For example, something is learning programming language. If people start it, the decision’s cost most include money, time and energy for it. More cost people paid, more sunk cost is there. If we begin not to pay additional cost about it, what can we do? Stop it? Less time for it? Quit it? I prefer to use this words, “Taking a rest about it”. Quitting it perfectly robs possibility in future. Stopping it sounds negative. But taking a rest sounds balanced position. If you don’t want to pay sunk cost or have courage to quit, I hope you to take a rest about it. In my ex

The Language

  2020/9/19.     The Language(English & Chinese) I work in patent office, and the language of patents will be 2 kinds, English and Chinese. Patents are similar to science papers. Almost science papers are written by English. But the patents about Artificial Intelligence written by Chinese are increasing rapidly. The problem is that the scientists who use English often can’t read Chinese, but the Chinese scientists can read English. This causes the asymmetry of scientific information. To solve this problem, Language translation methods have to be developed sooner.

The 3R(Time)

2020/9/13. The 3R wasting time [Reduce, Reuse, Recycle our wasting time] A: Reduce; Reduce our wasting time. B: Reuse; Reuse our wasting time for other purposes. Having some purposes to one action/time. C: Recycle; Cut our wasting time to some parts. Minimize our wasting time. A: Reduce Our wasting time is the time which doesn’t leave something good experience for our future.  In other word, it doesn’t useful for our life.  For example, watching TV or Youtube, fighting to other people, and so on. Reduce the time is very important. But be careful that we don’t like blank time.  We have to find other useful things instead of wasting time. We reduce wasting time for something good. It may be impossible for us to reduce our wasting time for nothing. B: Reuse Reuse our wasting time means having other purposes in one time/action. In other words, it is having more than 1 purposes when we do something. For example, I listen to the music when I am walking. This action has more than 1 purposes,

The Lie

  2020/9/12.  The Lie Telling a lie is a trick that can only be done by looking down at the other person’s intelligence. This is the opinion from Quora@Japan.製作側が激推ししたのにユーザーに嫌われまくった I think that this opinion is true. When I told a lie, I have looked down other person’s intelligence. I sometimes feel regret about it. If someone tells a lie, he/she looks down to others. This phenomenon is everywhere in internet world and real world. One control method is using words intelligent level. Some people understand abstract words, but some people only understand concrete words. This difference is words intelligent levels. Fighting happens in same intelligent level. So some intelligent people manipulate others to fight each other. (Just like Republican vs Democrat.) How about education? Education is done for what? I hope people wake their original talents up. But government doesn’t want to do it. I don’t care about whether current education is good o

The Softbank (Gamma Squeeze)

2020/9/6.   The Softbank (Gamma Squeeze) Guilty, the Softbank is. I read this news, and I feel so at the first. I don’t know the Softbank intended to make gamma squeeze. Gamma Squeeze: On my understand, Gamma Squeeze method makes arbitrage traders buying stocks. This is nearly crime as market manipulation crime. Then I rethink about Softbank’s action. This is similar to Japan’s Bubble Burst by Foreign investors. At it, they shot Nikkei Features by option trading. I don’t know Softbank’s action is revenge from past. The man who hits others has to be prepared to be hit. This is one rule. If the Nasdaq index goes higher, Softbank will get profit and stock of USA’s IT sections. If the Nasdaq index goes lower, the President Trump may not be next president. Hummm… Softbank is advance corp from Ch