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Animation Sample 3 with SwiftUI

 2022/2/27.  Animation Sample 3 with SwiftUI This is not animation, but picture. I made southpark animaniton like face with SwiftUI. I uploaded my code on Github.

Russia as one of players

  2022/2/22.  Russia as one of players Russia used classical method to Ukraine, “Divide and Rule”. Russia faces new sanctions, as war fears rise And I watched another news. Trump’s Truth Social Launches on Apple’s App Store, With Glitches Russia and Former President Trump may be making one team. The team will challenge to win to current rulers. (I don’t believe conspiracy theory.) The team will claim that the world is governed by someone who are very rich. (I want to claim that Russia President Putin and USA Former President Trump are both very rich!!!) Putin and Trump may have contacts to each other.(I have some conviction about this idea.) 2022/2/23.  Additional News I found I found this news... Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushn...

Future Information

  2022/2/17.  Future Information Trying to see or to make future, it is the problem… Focusing to eyes or to hands for future, this is our problem… I am feeling small regret about my past attitude to the world. I have tried to see future, but haven’t tried to make future. This is because of lack of self-confidence. I have learned chemistry, but I didn’t really understand about how catalyst works. If we want to occur chemical reaction, more than one material(s) and heat will be needed. Catalyst makes chemical reaction with less heat. Best investment is like catalyst, it doesn’t need much money nor many efforts. Hidden needs in people is like heat in chemical reaction. To be specific, Crypto currencies have caught the needs which people felt about future. A lot of money have been flowed by central banks, and it caused fear about future. Thinking about crypto currencies, Bitcoins or other coins seem not to catch people’s fear perfectly. People feel fear about d...


  2022/2/13.  Turkey I read this article, and am thinking about Turkey government’s debt. Fitch downgrades Turkish debt amid soaring inflation I searched some datas about Turkey’s economy. From google, And this site, Turkey GDP(b$) Currency($)@Jan Debt ratio(%) 2017 859 0.27 28.03 2018 778.4 0.27 30.17 2019 761.4 0.19 32.66 2020 720.1 0.17 39.77 2021 0.14 37.77? 2022? 0.072 37.92? Currency’s value is decreased to half from 2021 to 2022. This means GDP’s value would be half and Debt ratio would be twice. Then I searched Turkey’s interest ratio was 14.00% at Jan 20, 2022. In 2022, ...

Ukraine between EU and Russia

  2022/2/8.  Ukraine between EU and Russia Ukraine is old Philippines. EU is like a sleepy tiger, it still sleep. Ukraine will be taken by Russia in near future not only by war, but by indirect methods. After that, EU people will wake up and know what is/will be happening outside of their EU. Then, EU will try to shake hands with USA tightly. Ukraine will be tragic country, but will be medicine for world peace. Philippines, one of tragic countries in Asia, had kicked out US Army. Then China Army has constructed their bases in Philippines. Other Asia countries has watched it, and they seems to band together. I read this article. EU is sleeping with dream. Russia is ready for something.

Nikkei index price analysis with Python

  2022/1/16.  Nikkei index price analysis with Python I wrote some Python codes for analysis about Nikkei index price. The time period is 2021/10 - 2021/12, and I uses Nikkei index price, Volume and Selling Volume as parameters. The codes are on GitHub. PPDAC is important for this task, PPDAC is consisted from Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis and Conclusion. {Ploblem} I want to know what happened about movement of Nikkei index price. {Plan} Can I know it from some parameters? {Data} I collected data with some Python codes. {Analysis} I visualized the data and thought about it. 2021/10 2021/11 2021/12 These figures show that (A) Volume and Selling Volume had strong relationships, and (B) perhaps Nikkei index price downed after 5 -10 day later when Selling Volume increased.   {Conclusion} Not secret. From thinking about above (A) and (B), Nikkei index price may be difficult to fall down or raise u...

Python coding

 I did Python coding and wrote one article on Qiita. This is written in Japanese, so that perhaps you are not able to read it... Parts of my code are below...


  2021/12/19.  Python Recently, I am writing Python code, and uploaded on my Github page. I want to invest with Python. Python can help to analyze about NIKKEI225 by visualizing. Below figures are some of the result. Python is very useful tool!  

SDGs to Corona virus

  2021/11/29.  SDGs:Sleeping, Diet and Green Tea Recently, Corona virus is spreading again. How to stop it? There may be various ways. USA and EU peoples seems to think that vaccination is the best solution. I know it was better way. Virus may have 2 main functions, toxicity and diffusive. Those 2 functions have trade-off relationship, if toxicity is stronger, diffusive is weaker, and vice versa. We (Asia people including Japanese) have another solution. Improving own health. In current stage which Corona virus evolves to have stronger diffusive, Asian solution is effective, because toxicity is weaker and good health body can overcomes to Corona virus. I want to introduce how to improve own heath, SDGs, Sleeping, Diet and Green Tea. Good and long sleeping, keeping suitable body weight and drinking green teas make your body better. Furthermore, I want to recommend +2S, Stretch and  Supplements. My weight is heavier than normal people’s, so I try to lo...

Amount of interest by American

  2021/11/2.  Amount of interest by American(China, Japan vs Korea) When I was searching about China’s real estate problems on The Wall Street Journal, I found that the amount of interest in “China”, “Japan”, and “Korea” by its readers has some differences. Searching result that how many articles including the keyword(“China”, “Japan”, “Korea” ) on WSJ is below at 2021/11/2 PM7:00 in Japan time. China:6089(6.058) Japan:1803(1.794) Korea:1005(1) Hummm, I wonder that the result looks proportinal to their GDP. China:14.72T USD @2020 Japan:5.065T USD @2019 Korea:1.664T USD;South Korea:1.631T USD @2020;North Korea:0.0335T USD @2019 I normalized them Korea as 1, then GDP will be, China:8.846 Japan:3.043 Korea:1 Country WSJ Articles GDP Korea 1 1 Japan 1.794 3.043 China 6.058 8.846 From these result, I feel some things. WSJ readers has interested in Korea more than its GDP. WSJ readers has interested in China less t...

Republican, Democrat, and Conservative parties(Politics in USA)

  2021/10/30.  Republican, Democrat, and Conservative parties(Politics in USA) In Japan, tomorrow is the Election Day. But I am not interested in it… I am watching this news. Trump’s Social-Media Platform Joins Crowded Conservative Media Field In near future, two-party system in USA seems to end. Former USA president Donald Trump Jr may start own media. Then he may make own party, maybe it will be “Conservative party”. It will end two-party system in USA. The important things is that the two-party system couldn’t help nor save some peoples. It is not perfect system. We(? I am Japanese, but “We”) have to admit it, and then go forward to next stage.

Japan real estate market (How bad it is!)

  2021/10/16.  Rental real estate in Japan Rental real estate companies in Japan are too bad! I am searching rental real estate in Japan, but those companies are too bad! They don't work for borrowers but for lenders. And they are paid from both borrowers and lenders. This is because rental real estate market in Japan is LEMON market. I went to one rental real estate company’s office. They induced me to the rental real estate where they wanted to fill in. For it, they acted like they didn’t know how bad the real estate was. Of course, I don’t contract it. In addition, rental real estate companies make many articles to raise their reputation on internet by using SEO. They know how worse they are, so they do it. I want to them not to do it. They should improve their activity to raise their reputation.