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Showing posts from March, 2017

Breaking prison's game 2

2017/3/31. Breaking prison's game 2 Roles and rules 3 roles and rules 1 ) Guards:Protecting the prison's society ;( G ) 2 ) Prisoners ( Helpers ) : Helping the guards ;( H ) 3 ) Prisoners ( Weaks ) :Orthodox prisoners ;( P ) Situations and actions The walls that were protected by ( G ) are such like laws , society's rules and customs. Walls have 2 purposes , to protect from enemies of outside and to prevent not to escape for outside. Walls make the society.  If walls are breaking by some reasons , such like huge debits of prison , ( G ) 's aging and so on , what does ( G ) will do ? ( G ) will protect his secret wealths in soon without telling ( H ) & ( P ) and prolong walls. Stages in breaking walls ( 1 ) Initial stage: Stating of breaking ( G ) moves his secrets wealth in safety places. ( 2 ) Intermediate stage: Some ( H ) notices that walls are breaking ( H ) moves his wealth in small dangerous places. ...

Picture: From prison

Breaking prison's game

2017/3/29. Breaking prison's game What was the deflation in Japan ? The decrease of prices in economy. This is one true. But there is lack of human mind.  I think that deflation is hopeless states for growing up in future. In Japan , it seemed that too much pessimism for growing up was influenced in past 20 years. And ordinary Japanese feels sad emotions more than happy. Japanese deflation was consisted by 3 points. 1 ) Hopeless mind Ordinary Japanese are pessimists. 2 ) Unbalanced age population This made big economic bubble.  3 ) Huge government debits Effective methods were undone by huge debits. How to be solved these 3 points ? The capitalism is standing on economic growing up. And if all economic players notice that it is impossible , what do players do next ? Do they wait until they are dead ? Some do , especially old people do. And young people will escape from it for other chances. This is standing on Game theory , not the p...

"Because you didn't say NO, so you should say YES", Is it really right?

These days, I think about conflict between YES or NO. If I didn't say NO, I should say YES, is this right? I wish many people disagree this question. "Not NO means YES?" I don't think so. The world is not so simple, especially human emotions. I feel that many american people are suffering about this question. Over the half of american(?) voted  to President Trump, but is it really means "Yes Trump, No Hillary"? There are some patterns of american voters. 1) Yes Trump, No Hillary 2) Yes Trump & Yes Hillary 3) Yes Trump only 4) No Hillary 5) No Trump, Yes Hillary 6) Yes Hillary only 7) No Trump nor Hillary So, 1),2),3) are Started by "Yes Trump", but there are 3 ways. "Not NO" means "Not NO" only, "Not NO" doesn't mean "YES". In addition, it seems that 3) people and 5) & 6) people can't understand each other... This is just my opinion...

Tokyo real estate: TOYOSU new market place & Casino resort company

(Just my opinion) Tokyo government wanted to move fish market from Tsukiji to Toyosu, but after casino resort law was established, Tokyo government changed their opinion. And they attacked Ishihara who is famous for right-wing man... What this means? I think that there may be someone who wants Toyosu market real estate for casino resort. And why Ishihara is attacked means the someone may be Chinese. Tokyo gov will be suffered by Tokyo 2020 Olympic fee, so they want to sell Toyosu place. And Chinese wants to get Toyosu place for Casino resort. Furthermore they want to attack Ishihara... This is Win-win deal. Tokyo will sell Toyosu place for Chinese Casino resort company, and Chinese company will get the money and attack right-wing man. Editorial: Ex-Tokyo Gov. Ishihara short on answers over Tsukiji market move