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Showing posts with the label Job

Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

Lack of common skills

The lack of common skills is a prevalent issue among workers in Japan, and it is hindering their ability to change jobs. This lack of mobility allows their bosses to keep their salaries low, resulting in a dangerous cycle where workers are forced to work longer hours to make up for the low pay. To avoid this negative spiral, it is essential for workers to acquire common skills. These skills can include English language proficiency, information technology, and accounting or statistical knowledge. By possessing these skills, workers can broaden their job opportunities and be less dependent on their current employers. It is important to note that this cycle of poor job mobility and low pay is not limited to Japan, and can occur in many parts of the world. To combat this, we must be proactive in acquiring new skills and adapting to the changing job market. In my personal experience, I have found that learning English has been a valuable investment, and I have since developed translation...

Greed and Fear

  Greed and Fear Mirror emotions, they are… I read this quote, “ Fear and Greed are mirror images of each other.” Singh Shuchita & Bahi Shilpa, Behavioural Finance. I found this quote is the essence of life. From this quote, if people feels fear emotion easily, greed emotion will catch him/her easily, and vise varsa. In my experience, fear and anxiety are different emotions. Fear is alarm from his/her classical brain. Anxiety is made from mixing boring and negative emotions. I thought one idea, “If people who want all own money keeping without any risks, he/she will be greedy people on own his/her job, and vise varsa.” In addition, “If there is people who does not do investing, I don’t want to work with him/her. Because he/she will take away my job.” If the idea is TRUE, greedy/fear people can be easily distinguishable, because they don’t invest own money.

The Works in patent office

2020/3/1.   The Works in patent office I am working in patent office for 1 year, and I want to improve my working’s quality. So opening what I do in it will be helpful for it. I often translate English patents to Japanese patents. And I introduce some of my works in below. The patent is consisted from 4 parts, Claims, Description, Drawings and Abstract. [Claims]「請求項」 This is most important part for the patent.  This determines the scope of the patent. Claims is written by old language like the laws. Claims often are consisted from short sentences. Because short sentences cover bigger scope of the patents. [Description]「明細書」 This is technical description for Claims. Description helps understanding the Claims. (Claims often are difficult for understanding.) Description is written by technical language like the technical papers. [Drawings]「図面」 Drawings are the visual tools for the patents. They often help us understanding the whole of...