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Showing posts from April, 2018

Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

Apple shock

2018/4/28. Stock market: Short term waves & Apple shock  Short term waves often kill middle class traders. Or to kill middle class traders , there are short term waves in market. If there is no volatility , the market doesn ’ t have their function. On the point of long term view , the world stock market is peaking out or peaked out.  Not to be killed by short term waves , the stock positions must be smaller.  Jim Rogers , who is most famous investor , wrote that there will be last bull market before crashing. But I don ’ t think so. Apple Shock...  This is what the beginning of bear market , I think. ( Apple shock is the decreasing of selling the iPhone X. ) Apple shock may cause excess of CPU , display and memories.  Apple shock may be signal that the excess of individual ’ s credit card money , comes to the end. The iPhone X may be the first thing that young people want. And whether young people doesn ’ t or can ’ t buy it , it ’...

Tokyo stock market: Peaked out?

2018/4/26. Tokyo stock market seems downing... I think bear has already came to Tokyo market. Probably , 2nd end buyers are losing their money by short term trading.  End buyers are the beginners to trade stocks , and they buy stocks at highest prices. 2nd end buyers are middle class traders. They trade stock for short terms and they have small money. When the market peaks out , the 2nd buyers ’ money will be drained by top traders. Japanese Economy seems to be peaked out , I feel.  I have small confidence in this opinion. #I am finer than last week! 

Stock market game

2018/4/17. Stock market game Prayers , Players or Insiders , which am I? Prayers:Buy , hold & pray Players:Buy/Sell on probability and get constant earnings  Insiders:Know stocks from inside Warren Buffet may be Insiders , because he knows lots of company from inside position. So I cannot be like him. If we want to get earnings from market , we have to be players or insiders. Buy , hold & pray is effortless way , and the way sometimes go well.  I felt hopeless when I started stock market game at first , 12 years ago. At that time , I only have ¥50 , 000 , so that I cannot buy highly price stocks. Compared to that age , I have some hope for the market. Of course , I don ’ t have much money.  Bank of Japan still keeps financial easing. This is good news. I don ’ t know when they stop , but still keeps. There may be small space & hope for investment to Japan market.

World Markets: Pendulum!

2018/4/17. World Market: Pendulum! World market is in the fixed range. Bull and Bear are fighting with same power. In this range , there is no good/bad news ,   news follows the market , the market doesn ’ t follow news. If good news what I feel is released , that news doesn ’ t affect the market. The news would be only used as following reason for raising or falling.


2018/4/16.  Bitcoin  Bitcoin , a lot of speculators are losing interest about it. It seems that Buy/Sell volume is getting lower , so that the price has volatility. Now , Bitcoin ’ s system is like pension system. I mean that first takers get a lot of money , followers lose money , and when followers want to withdraw their money , the price gets easily lower , pongee scheme… I know some people can ’ t trust government ’ s pension system and they want to trust another scheme. But bitcoin has same trick as government is doing. People who bought bitcoins , bought dream or nightmare… It cost a lot… #I don ’ t know the future , so perhaps bitcoin will be main currency of world economy.

Rocket “Trading”

2018/4/15. What is my rocket? Rocket takes me to the moon , far from ground. Vital few people reach to the moon. Components of my rocket are my strengths.  Fuel of rocket is joy emotion. Rocket is vehicle to the success. I try to trade stocks & options. It ’ risky , I know. If trading doesn ’ t work well , I will work full time job & learn Swift programming. Before starting trades , I simulate it works or not. Rocket “ Trading ”, does it fly? Rocket “ Trading ” 1 ) Capital cycle time:3-5 days 2 ) Risk Reward ratio:2.0-3.0 3 ) Winning rating:60-70% What I think as most important is 1 ) capital cycle time. Next , winning rating. I want more than 60%. Third , risk reward ratio. I want this more than 2.0 , I mean +¥100 , 000. Risk is  -¥50 , 000.  Trade Limit Low High Capital cycle  1day 3-5days Winning rate 6/20times 14/20times RiskReward -¥50 , 000 ¥150 , 000 ...

Sakura & Bank Of Japan

Sakura(Cherry Blossoms) & Monetary Easing by Bank of Japan   Strong spring winds blow the Cherry Blossoms. I heard that Japanese old army at WW2 planted cherry blossoms for the reason. It is that flowers which are spreading gently was just like old Japan army, and they overlapped self as Cherry Blossoms.  Monetary Easing by bank of Japan is now proceeding, is this overlapped sakura? Sakura flowers bloom a lot in one moment, and strong winds blow them. This monetary easing reduces Japanese ¥’s value and this is last attack to Japanese economy by short-term-view-to-long-term-problem.  Strong winds will blow from China, maybe freedom of exchange currency.

North Korea and Syria

2018/4/14.  North Korea and Syria  USA is attacking Syria , so USA won ’ t attack North Korea until Syria war ends. USA won ’ t or can ’ t do parallel wars. This is good news for North & South Korea , and China.  Behind Syria , there is Russia. USA ’ s immediate enemy is Russia. China can get economic growth terms for more than 2-3 years. On the USA & North Korea Top meeting , there may be no risk about east Asia war. Why USA attacks Syria is higher price of oils , I think. China use a lot of oils for economic growth.  So higher price of oils attacks Chinese economic growth largely. There are other reasons , to protect Israel , break the China government ’ s 一帯一路 one way road , attack Russia and re-get the control in the middle-east. And I think that Israel is more important than Japan is for USA. This is because USA attacks Syria.


2018/4/14. One world what I used to see I don ’ t know the world , I only know one world what I used to see. If I see the world through anger emotion , one world is red. If I see the world through joy emotion , one world is yellow & pop. The world is fixed , only my emotions are moving. If my emotion is fixed as angry , one world is fixed as red. Emotion affects one world. There are some ways to see the world as real. If I see through relaxing , it ’ s one way. When I was working on full time , I often got tired. If I see the world through tired , one world is solid & cold. Solid & cold world makes me feeling more tired. I was caught in this world. The world is medium , and one world is flexible & warm when I am relaxing. #This is only diary. Next I want to write about foreign affairs or world economy.

Signals of dismissal

2018/4/7.  What is the signals of dismissal? I feel regret for dismissal of my job… And I try to study this experience for my future… What is the signals of dismissal? 1 ) Lonely launch I often take launch lonely… 2 ) Being aloof by the person who like rumors Person who like rumors , has been aloof from few months ago. 3 ) Shifting of company ’ s systems The company did shrink the laboratory. 4 ) Losing energy for job I often lose my energy on working. This is by my special skill , I feel other people ’ s bad faith whether he/she is near or not. 5 ) Boss looks to me as bug or error in laboratory Boss doesn ’ t like me , looks me as bug in laboratory. #Of course , I am not perfect human.  So I may have done critical failure.

Alive hardly...

2018/4/5. Alive... Alive hardly... I noticed that full time job with learning other skills is difficult for me... And I feel still sad about firing me. I need some terms for developing my App. And my app will be good sales or not , is like gambling. Maybe I need another job for life. Thinking as real , I cannot work full time job. Thus , I need some assets which put money in my pockets. For example , stocks and App. Or it ’ s good starting cloud works. Cloud works means that it provides works without meeting. Part time job on PC.