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Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak

  Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak I know one pretender to be tough. The person shifted to be weak after he/she lost own bluff. I thought about the difference between real confidence and bluff. Real confidence stands by our sides, but bluff is put on own faces. Real confidence makes us stronger. Bluff can make us both of stronger and weaker. In other words, real confidence is asset, but bluff is risk. The result of bluff will be better or worse than without bluff. (I don’t like such risk, so that I try not to use bluff.) I thought about below matrix. Result With Real confidence Without Real confidence With Bluff Middle Risk and High Return  High Risk and Middle Return Without Bluff Low Risk and Middle Return Middle Risk and Low Return I don’t know this matrix is true, but not so far from true. Then I thought about another things, “Are there perfect method?” If I have real confidence and don’t use bluff, there ar...

Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak

  Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak I know one pretender to be tough. The person shifted to be weak after he/she lost own bluff. I thought about the difference between real confidence and bluff. Real confidence stands by our sides, but bluff is put on own faces. Real confidence makes us stronger. Bluff can make us both of stronger and weaker. In other words, real confidence is asset, but bluff is risk. The result of bluff will be better or worse than without bluff. (I don’t like such risk, so that I try not to use bluff.) I thought about below matrix. Result With Real confidence Without Real confidence With Bluff Middle Risk and High Return  High Risk and Middle Return Without Bluff Low Risk and Middle Return Middle Risk and Low Return I don’t know this matrix is true, but not so far from true. Then I thought about another things, “Are there perfect method?” If I have real confidence and don’t use bluff, there ar...

Caution:Foreign intelligence agencies may work harder in Far East Asia

  Caution:Foreign intelligence agencies may work harder in Far East Asia I watched this Korea news. South Korean leader's security chief warns against violent attempts to arrest Yoon Then I watched Japanese famous talent’s scandal. The scandal may be aimed to damage the conservative media Fuji-Sankei Holding. I don’t know what truth is. However, I think that both of the Korea news and the scandal news may be set up by foreign intelligence agencies. Because the timing was too good for some foreign governments, including Russia and North Korea. The relationship between Russia and North Korea may be deeper than I thought.

How to improve Pawn promotion probability

  How to improve Pawn promotion probability   In my economic view, there are 3 types of economic companies. Pawn: Domestic companies which work in own countries  Minor and Major pieces: Big companies which earn moneys in foreign countries  King: Central centers in own countries  Then, how to improve Pawn promotion probability? Supporting by Minor and Major pieces to Pawn may be good method. For example, if pawns in USA want to earn in China markets, supporting by Tesla, Microsoft and other Minor and Major pieces will be good. Conversely, if pawns in China want to earn in USA markets, supporting by Minor and Major pieces will be good. I recalled Mercari company’s fault. Mercari has tried to enter in USA markets only by itself, but it was failed. Because it had no support from minor and major pieces in Japan, such as TOYOTA or SoftBank.

Honda decided to lose their wings, and who will catch the feathers?

  Honda decided to lose their wings, and who will catch the feathers? I felt very uncool for Honda.  Honda, Nissan aim to merge by 2026 in historic pivot Both of Honda and Nissan are losing China market car shares. In Japan, there are few companies which earn foreign currency. There are 2 company types in economy. High classed pieces and Pawns. High classed pieces earn foreign currency and Pawns are domestic companies. High classed pieces in Japan are losing their powers. They have earned from USA and China markets, but Chinese companies become their rivals. This indicates that China Pawns become to win Japan high classed pieces. In fact, if Japan high classed pieces lose USA markets, Japan won’t be able to earn foreign currency so that Japan gov will start to sell foreign assets(including US gov bonds). By the way, Honda will lose their wings ...

Why Mr.Carlos Ghosn was kicked out of Nissan

  Why Mr.Carlos Ghosn was kicked out of Nissan I saw this news interestingly. Renault open to Nissan pursuing merger talks with Honda, Bloomberg News reports Mr.Carlos Ghosn might oppose to the merger with Honda and Nissan. Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) wanted to eliminate him. So he was arrested by Japan police. This is the reason why Mr.Carlos Ghosn was kicked out of Nissan. This is Japan, and this is the Japan.

Investment too many money, is it good or bad for investor and investment target?

  Investment too many money, is it good or bad for investor and investment target? Background If some investors invest 1 trillion dollars to investment target, they will expect some returns. Is this good or bad? The answer will depend on the investors and the target. When the returns is 5% yield, the target pays 50 billon dollars for 1 trillion dollars debt. Lender’s logic and Borrower’s logic Lender will think that borrower has to pay the return because lender took risk. Borrower will think that lender is bad because lender lend money than borrower can pay back. (Of course, this is not my story. I don’t have a debt.) Japan gov and US gov Japan gov lend money to US gov as to buy government bond. Does Japan gov take risk? I think it’s NO. They borrow money from Japanese people and they lend money to US gov. If lender don’t take risk, who does take the risk? Japanese people… Over lending Further, I think over lending have to be ruled. Over lending may cause ove...

USA:From being Leader to Dealer

USA:From being Leader to Dealer American people have stopped to have leadership. I felt something sad, but it’s okay. USA country turned from leader to dealer. Some American wanted to make America great again.(MAGA) The world NEVER makes America great again.(NMAGA)

China Share markets

  China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Background I often see Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in media or SNS. Maslow's hierarchy of needs Question There are a lot of persons who eat less than their bodies need for keeping their styles. They eat less for Esteem in SNS pictures. They seek Esteem more than Physiological. How does Maslow’s hierarchy of needs explain about them? Asked to ChatGPT(o1-mini) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943, which posits that human motivation is driven by a hierarchy of needs. These needs are typically depicted as a pyramid with five levels: Physiological Needs : Basic survival needs such as food, water, shelter, and sleep. Safety Needs : Security, stability, and protection from harm. Love and Belongingness Needs : Social connections, relationships, and a sense of belonging. Esteem Needs : Recognition, self-respect, and respect from oth...