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Showing posts from April, 2017

Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

Fast answer vs Slow thinking

2017/4/30.  Fast answer vs Slow thinking: How to escape from wrong impression ? People categorize others to solid impression. Solid impression often mislead to wrong way. And people trust others on wrong way.  So people often feel others as renegades by this reason. Solid impression , this causes wrong trust. If we don't change own solid impression , we keep on believe others on wrong way. Solid impression is made by what ? I think this is made by not enough information , intelligence & experience. Intelligence is not enough for modifying solid impression. ( If one people like to collect others' information , the people try to do something. ) Enough information , intelligence & experience will lead us on right way. And fast answer often stand on not enough information , intelligence or experience. Collecting information , improving intelligence and getting experience , these things help us more rich mind people. Recently , some politicians ...

Electric energy

2017/4/29. 80:20 principle: Electric energy is lost by where ? Electric energy is useful , but I think it's not used effectively. In Japan , the loss of transportation electric energy is 5%. ( It's good , and how about sell that technology for foreign countries ?) How to use electric energy more effectively ? Decrease it , when devices are waiting , is good.  Waiting time's electric energy. This is problem for loss by thought of 80:20 principle. Cutting waiting time's electric energy is key technology.  This technology includes software and hardware problems. 

USA market or China market?

2017/4/27. World is linking each other, but it includes dangerous... (Just my opinion) World economy is linking each other by markets. What makes this phenomenon faster by? Free selection about USA or China, I think. I mean that China markets grew up as big as USA, and seller can select which country to sell. And in the past, seller had to choice USA only. (Main money are still US$. Euro money is now decreasing their value by low interest rates.) The relationship between USA and China is alike to the cartel by 2 big companies, just like iOS vs Android. Euro has 3rd position, but becomes dividing and shrinking. USA market or China market? This is one problem for companies. Every company in Japan have to answer to this problem. Because of limited human resource. And every industry-country will face to this problem. (Before 1990, Japan had focused on USA market only. After bubble economy crashed, Japan focused on China. And now, Japan want to focus on USA again. But it see...


GRIT 2017/4/27. Easy way : Enjoy way = Hard to keep on : Easy to keep on Easy way is not the way to success , because a lot of people seek easy way and try to walk there. Easy way is easy to do , but there are a lot of rivals. So easy way is hard to do continuously. But enjoy the way is easy to keep on.  So success way is enjoy way. And if we can't enjoy the way , it may be wrong way. How to find enjoy way is simple , hearing the voice of own heart. What we can enjoy result & process is the way. If we want only result , it may be wrong way...  A lot of rivals , this is one symbol for defining easy way or not. If there are a lot of rivals , it's difficult way. This is the reason what employee is far from success in job. Empty road will be the root to the success for us.

Aging society and my skills

Aging society: New things are denied by majority's people... 2017/4/27. Eliminating the something special spoils life boring... Do we have to obey the habit of own culture ?   I feel that something special becomes eliminating in Japan. This may be because of aging society. In Japan , majority's people are getting older and older. And old people doesn't like new things or specials.  Old people become right in politics easily , and the phenomenon are often seen in developed countries. Old majority's people become conservative... Weak mainority's people are victims by majority in every areas... I want to have skills for survive in this aging world. Skills: Japanese & English language            Technical Engineering for pavement ( Not yet )            Saving money and investment These skills are useful tools for survive in this area. I want to brush up my skills and learn continuou...

@tax:Suggestion for new tax

@tax:Suggestion for new tax @tax is for e-mail ,  paying 1 cent by sending each 100 e-mails. Merits 1 ) Tax income will increase for each government. 2 ) Heavy internet traffic is reduced. 3 ) Old people , who often vote , doesn't use e-mail so often. 4 ) Internet world is not good for rich people because secrets can't be kept for them. Demerits  1 ) Necessary for each governments' cooperation. 2 ) How to  pay is difficult , but there must be way. 3 ) Hackers , for example anonymous , will oppose to this taxes.

@tax: Internet new tax

2017/4/25. @tax: Internet new tax ( Japanese government's debts vs Tax heavens ) Without taxes ,   government can't be government. Tax heavens are evils for every government.  And if government wants to reduce their debts , raising taxes is easy way. But I want to suggest another way , making new taxes , @tax. @tax is for e-mailers tax.  If I use @ ( at mark ) by my e-mail accounts , I will pay 1 cent by each 100 mails. Using @ to mail is not free lunch for internet world. And there is no free lunch. And this tax will reduce a lot of junk e-mails. This junk e-mails makes internet more heavy. ( Money flowing faster makes economy bigger. But if losers are fixed in poor place , the economic game becomes boring and given-up people increase. There is conflict between rich people and good politicians. In the world wide economy , fast , quick and first company gets huge benefits. )

House hold saving vs Government debts

House hold saving vs Government debts (Conflict) Government borrows money from house hold saving via banks. House hold money wants safety and some interest. When the interest rates is enough, the relationship between depositor and government is good. But when government’s debts becomes big and interest rates are kept lower by government, the relationship turns to be bad. (3 steps for ending) Government will 1) Keep interest rates low 2) Sell government’s assets 3) Raise taxes for paying lower and prolong the credit of them. (Solution) Holding various foreign money is one solution. This is from Jewish person’s knowledge. They are smart enough to survive in long history.

Gambling money

Gambling money : What minus interest rates create is artificial bubble, and it will be failed… Merits of minus interest rates 1) Ordinary people can get house easily. 2) Company can borrow money easily. 3) Government pay less money for huge debts. If interest rates are lower, paying will be decreasing. Demerits of minus interest rates 1) Real estate’s price will be lower and lower in Japan. So people, who are buying house, will be losers. 2) Company, which must borrow money, usually are weak or poor. So this company will be break-up sooner or later. 3) Government, which has been making huge debts, doesn’t have self-control. So this government will keep making debts in the future. And the bonds of this government is not safe in long future. Prolonging the finance, which is breaking in now, will be ended in near future. When does ending come? When avoidable accident comes is suitable for government. War or earthquake… War will be good reason for raising taxes....