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Showing posts with the label Trading

China Share markets

  China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.

Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? 2

  2023/6/5.  Copper is more than Gold or Silver in Japan? 2 I researched about the relationship between copper and Nikkei 225. I wrote below codes. Nikkei 225 price seems to have relationship with copper power 3 price. Nikkei 225 = (Copper price ^3) * some times If you like this result, I will be happy. 2023/6/6. Additionally, Copper price has more relationship with Nikkei 225 than Copper price power 3. I was wrong. 2023/6/10. Additionally, I did cluster analysis to the result. This is interesting.

The Option trade

  2021/1/10.     The Option trade   I got ¥100,000($1,000) with option trade. I have done good trade, but I am worrying about the stock markets now. The stock market is booming now. It’s not bad at all.  But it seems to be dangerous. Everybody becomes greedy, so take care! I recommend that keeping high cash position and entering into stock market with the money which you can lose. When everyone becomes greedy, it’s time to stop dancing on stock market. I have bought Gold & Silver. They are not so high prices. And I will bet my money with option trade again in near future. This site provides how market is greedy or fear. Now it’s 77 points greedy. There may be some space to raise stock prices. But I feel something is going strange. This is because nobody can stop money financing by central banks. I guess that stock prices will get higher till July in this year. But I don’t have solid confidence. This stock market’s b...

Rocket “Trading”

2018/4/15. What is my rocket? Rocket takes me to the moon , far from ground. Vital few people reach to the moon. Components of my rocket are my strengths.  Fuel of rocket is joy emotion. Rocket is vehicle to the success. I try to trade stocks & options. It ’ risky , I know. If trading doesn ’ t work well , I will work full time job & learn Swift programming. Before starting trades , I simulate it works or not. Rocket “ Trading ”, does it fly? Rocket “ Trading ” 1 ) Capital cycle time:3-5 days 2 ) Risk Reward ratio:2.0-3.0 3 ) Winning rating:60-70% What I think as most important is 1 ) capital cycle time. Next , winning rating. I want more than 60%. Third , risk reward ratio. I want this more than 2.0 , I mean +¥100 , 000. Risk is  -¥50 , 000.  Trade Limit Low High Capital cycle  1day 3-5days Winning rate 6/20times 14/20times RiskReward -¥50 , 000 ¥150 , 000 ...