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Showing posts from March, 2023

Digital Currency

  “Digital Currency” Recently, Digital Currency is proceeding, but limited to wallets for purchase. To proceed more, digital currency must be applied to assets classes. Then, paper and coins currency can be invalid. If digital currency is applied to assets and used in smartphones, various types of Bonds and Securities are possible. Digital Currency is associated with Personal Information, and it causes fear and intrust to own government for some people. This problem can be solved by fear to lose money. If paper and coins are invalid, people must use digital currency. To proceed Digital Currency, deleting trust for Bitcoin is good way. Bitcoin is used for dark money, and not in control by trustable organizations. Digital Currency by government can compete Bitcoin if the government is trustable. In addition, Bitcoin has several deep security risk by hackers. Roll back is impossible when hackers steal Bitcoin.

Blue, Red and Green Teams

  March 28, 2023. Blue, Red, and Green Teams The Blue Team comprises the United States and its allies, while the Red Team consists of China and its affiliated states. However, the third party, the Green Team, is yet to be determined. I sincerely hope for a better world tomorrow. The current state of the world is polarized between the Blue and Red teams, which is concerning for the future. To create a better world, we need a Green Team, a neutral third party that is neither Blue nor Red. Brazil and India could be members of the Green Team, and I hope their relationship flourishes. The Blue and Red teams cannot afford to ignore the impact of their relationship.