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Showing posts from March, 2020

Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

The Dirty 5 rings

2020/3/31.  The Dirty 5 rings I heard some Japanese used money to Olympic members. Humm. I think it is true. Because it is asian way.(Or perhaps only Japanese way.) I wanted watching Tokyo Olympic at the stadiums, but I couldn't. Because I missed lottery. So I don't care if Tokyo Olympic will open or not.

The $100

2020/3/21.   The $100 I earned $100(¥10000) by Nikkei Option trading. It’s small amount of money, but I satisfied… Recently, the bear is so strong, put option is too high priced. Aiming to get rebound was good tactics. And I am buying specific defensive stock. I can’t write the name, but this is bargain sales in my life.

The Contradiction 矛盾

2020/3/16.  The Contradiction 矛盾  Recently, power people are doing 2 things.  One is lowering the interest rates, another is stopping flow of economy. This is the contradiction. I see what they want to do. They don’t want stock price lower, but want to seal the corona virus. This contradiction reveals some of truth what I could find. There are limit line that the developed country can accept. Limit line was over. So power people are in a hurry for stopping falling the stock price. This is not tragedy, just comedy. They become in a hurry, when they and their friends lose money. They don’t care about normal people’s life…

The problem is?

2020/3/11.    The problem is? At this bear market, corona virus is not problem. Corona virus is just trigger. The problem is too high priced stocks. So if corona virus problem is solved at one moment, bear market keeps on. I think the bear will stay till this spring.

The Works in patent office

2020/3/1.   The Works in patent office I am working in patent office for 1 year, and I want to improve my working’s quality. So opening what I do in it will be helpful for it. I often translate English patents to Japanese patents. And I introduce some of my works in below. The patent is consisted from 4 parts, Claims, Description, Drawings and Abstract. [Claims]「請求項」 This is most important part for the patent.  This determines the scope of the patent. Claims is written by old language like the laws. Claims often are consisted from short sentences. Because short sentences cover bigger scope of the patents. [Description]「明細書」 This is technical description for Claims. Description helps understanding the Claims. (Claims often are difficult for understanding.) Description is written by technical language like the technical papers. [Drawings]「図面」 Drawings are the visual tools for the patents. They often help us understanding the whole of...