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Showing posts from February, 2019

Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

South Korea

2019/2/19.  South Korea  This South Korea ’ s chairman may have some aims to protect current president. Upping the ante in 'comfort women' row , South Korea speaker brands Japan a 'brazen thief' Relationship between Japan and South Korea is too bad. I am Japanese , and I am on Japan side. And I don ’ t like South Korea. In this article , the chairman of South Korea may have some aims to provoke Japanese. ( 1 ) Protecting current president I think the chairman wants to collect criticism from Japan. And current President Moon can avoid criticism from Japan. So the chairman can protect President Moon. ( 2 ) Establishing the reputation of anti-Japan Also the chairman can establish the reputation of anti-Japan. It will be good item for being next or future president. ( 3 ) Being...

RPA is more than AI in Japan

2019/2/16. RPA will be more than AI in Japan. RPA: Robotic Process Automation  RPA will be more than AI in Japan for next 10 years. I feel RPA is very profitable for current Japanese company ’ s working style. Japanese CEOs are prefer to cut costs more than create values. So they will insert RPA to own company when they realize how much costs they can cut. And my concern is that cutting costs never create values. So cheap jobs will increase and almost workers will lose their money. It ’ s tragedy , but it cannot stop. RPA will be main stream in Japan for next 10 years , and it will cause riches being richer and poor being poorer.


2019/2/11.  Learning Python now… I started learning Python programming instead of making iOS/macOS apps. Honestly , I like making them by Swift language… I like Apple company ’ s products , but almost all workers use Windows OS. It means that I should use Windows OS for job… Python is good language for programming beginner like me. I have already learned basic syntax by books & movie on Udemy. Now I am learning tkinter , which is standard GUI library for Python. There were a lot of troubles… And there are… There is the movement that the making the bridge between Swift and Python library. So it is no need to learn GUI controls , like tkinter , but if I need to use Python apps on Windows OS , universal GUI controls will be needed… Programming theory is  INPUT -> EXECUTION -> OUTPUT , so I learn INPUT & OUTPUT parts for the starting points. INPUT & OUTPUT parts are reusable codes.

Relationships with Dreams

2019/2/4. Relationships with “ Dreams ” These days , I am thinking about relationships with “ Dreams ” . I had thought dreams come true when I chased with lots of effort. But is it true? Dreams are not people , they are things like softwares. So when we try to get things , we chase them with effort. But relationships with Dreams seems to be similar to relationships with other people. If we chase harder , they run away faster. I can ’ t explain this thought well. I wanted to release iPhone apps , and I have done it. It is because of relationships with Dreams were suitable for me & it. By this experience , I think that relationships with Dreams need suitable distance & frequency to meet with me. Relationships with Dreams is similar to the one with other people. And suitable distance & frequency makes me relax.  So rethinking about relationships with Dreams is better than giving up Dreams. 


2019/2/1.  Chess These days , I play Chess game with the Mac app. Very difficult to win , so I changed the strength of computer. I hardly win to computer which can read one hand. Two hands is impossible to win… I am a weak player… And I found that Chess is very good took for training my logic brain with fun. I recommend Chess game for training the logic.