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The brain absorption companies:Consulting Firms make the world worse

  The brain absorption companies:Consulting Firms make the world worse Background I saw the news that many highly educated persons in Japan try to join in consulting firms. Their purposes may be short term profits and early retirements. I knew their purposes because I had same purpose… Consulting Firms make the world better or worse? Consulting Firms doesn’t make new products nor new fields, they only try to win competitions. They make the world worse. Brain absorption companies Consulting Firms are the brain absorption companies which absorb the thinking of business managers. Consulting Firms try to take charge of CEOs’ thinking. So that Consulting Firms absorb client companies’ brains. Consulting Firms’ arm They admire business professors’ theory. They use it as arm to client companies. However, theory doesn’t allow just one counterexample. Business professors’ theory is not to be called theory, it is to be called as hypothesis or idea (or joke). So that consulti

Easy but not correct method: Labeling specific word to person

2016/9/26 Easy but not correct method: Labeling specific word to person Labeling to person is easy method to judge the person. For example, he is the person  suchlike woman, is just one example. In childhood, many children like to label another nickname to friends. Is this just mirror of the society? Because children are mirrors of adults. And this easy method misleads from correct information. So what should I behave? My action is below analogy 3 steps. 1. Feel the first impressions before hearing person name. 2. After hearing name, modifying the figure of his/her character by slowly. 3. Fixing his/her character solidly.     This method is orthodox way. And what should I behave in digital world? This is difficult question. To connect analog world and digital world, this question lies suchlike great wall. One answer is facebooking. But there are a lot of fakes on Facebook now. There are a lot of actors/actresses on Facebook or SNS. Without labeling, there is di

Lack of courtesy & manners

2016/9/26 Lack of courtesy & manners I found that my failures are because of lack of courtesy and manners. Every community, company and everyone has own manners, and if I want to join them, there is need to know manners. However I have good information for them, the lack of manners brakes the relationship between I and them.  Lack of manners... This is important problem for me.

Feedback vs Positive words

2016/9/25 Feedback vs Positive words The book "Managing oneself" by Peter F.Drucker told that feedback is the only way to managing ourselves. These days, it is said that positive words and positive thinking are important for success. There is conflict between feedback and positive thinking. Because positive thinking deny the feedback by positive words. Without right feedback, positive thinking is no use for success. # I sometimes tell the words "It's OK!" It's wrong. ##I am NOT OK.

Finance method to make miracles: Inflation, Bubble, Lower Yen¥.

2016/9/22 Finance method to make miracles: Inflation, Bubble, Lower Yen¥. What is crazy? Do same method many times with expecting different results. Do Finance method by Japan bank with various expectation. Other-hand, USA economy is expanding. Next USA president can take good benefits. Combination with expansion of employment and demand will happen. Combination with higher savings rates and interest rates makes USA richer.

The meat of Whales and Dolphins: Cruel killings or not?

2016/9/22 The meat of Whales and Dolphins: Cruel killings or not? Preamble: I don't eat Whales or Dolphins meat. My opinion: A lot of Japanese doesn't eat Whales or Dolphins' meat in ordinary life. And why Japanese kill Whales and Dolphins. Not only culturally habits, but there is the reason that Whales and Dolphins eat many fishes. And those fishes are important meats for Japanese food. If the number of Whales and Dolphins are larger, the number of other fishes are smaller, including Tuna what Japanese people loves eating. Maybe Japanese doesn't stop kill Whales and Dolphins. Cruel killings or not? This question includes weapons. If Japan develops the tool that can kill Whales and Dolphins without suffering, is it weapon? It is weapons. And Japan can't develop weapons. So maybe cruel killing is one way.

Education makes Fast-Food staffs or innovators?: Results or processes?

2016/9/22 Education makes Fast-Food staffs or innovators?: Results or processes? If education focuses on only results, there are more Fast-Food staffs. I mean Fast-Food staffs include high scorers on the mark sheet tests. That education is easy to control, but hard to make innovate. In addition, if royalties gets lower, they will make do fake and cheat easier. Focusing on process is very difficult to control. But it makes various innovations. In long term views, it will be good for each society. Unexpected results is good or bad? This question is depends on own smartness or solidness. And one fact is there; The future is unknown! So focusing on result makes people seeing only at now. "Now is all" needs Fast-Food staffs. Otherwise focusing on processes makes people history and future. This is real intelligent, I think. Real intelligence focuses on processes, just like Jewish think. # I read about Jewish thought by only books.

Foreign reserves of Japanese government: Foreign reserves = Short terms debts of Japan economy

2016/9/22 Foreign reserves of Japanese government: Foreign reserves = Short terms debts of Japan economy  Japanese foreign reserves August 2016 $1256 billion as Japanese foreign reserves  1. Foreign currency.            $1193 billion  2. IMF reserve position.     $12 billion  3. SDR.                                $17 billion  4. Gold.                               $32 billion  5. Others.                            $0.5 billion  Japan Government has $1256 billion as foreign reserves. And Japanese economy balance sheets are below. Balance sheet of Japanese economy Assets $9480 billion @2015 ($1=¥100) 1. Direct investment.     $1516 2. Stock & Bond             $4231  ($2695 is bond) 3. Derivatives                 $449 4. Others.                       $1804 5. Foreign reserves      $148

VW and China: Stronger relationship

2016/9/21 VW and China: Stronger relationship China markets will be more and more foxy for car companies! China markets will be main stream of electric cars!!! Volkswagen in Talks to Make Electric Cars in China

Tokyo real estate 3: Beginning of bubble or ending of bubble?

2016/9/21  Tokyo real estate 3: Beginning of bubble or ending of bubble? On the opinion that Tokyo real estate is in bubble, is the bubble beginning or ending? I think it is ending, but if Japan bank keeps unorthodox finance policy, the bubble will be little bigger. In this real estate bubble, smaller damage will come to each persons. And how ending begins? There are various ways. 1 Higher consumer tax 2 Stop minus Japan banking rates 3 Small recession of China or USA And so on. Furthermore, it seems that Japan government can control Tokyo bubble. Or rather they want to make bubble again. At last bubble, companies and people who called intelligent were damaged, in this time who will be damaged? And Who pays the result of unorthodox finance? #Germane bank will keep minus banking rates until Japan bank ends. I feel that Japan is sealed by finance.

Tokyo real estate 2: Reasonable prices for rich people and expensive for ordinary people

2016/9/20 Tokyo real estate 2: Reasonable prices for rich people and expensive for ordinary people Some foreign rich people may push up prices of Tokyo real estates. This is the repeated history! Old days, Japan bought USA real estate by high prices and cut their loss at last. Chinese may be buying Tokyo real estates as old Japanese bought USA real estates. So there are relationship between Tokyo real estates and Chinese money & economy. And low banking rates makes people being able to buy high price real estate. Because people can borrow money easier. So there are relationship between Tokyo real estates and banking rates. And are there relationship between Chinese money & economy and Japan banking rates? Maybe yes.

Tokyo real estate:Bubble or reasonable prices?

2016/9/20 Tokyo real estate:Bubble or reasonable prices? Tokyo real estate may be bubble, but I don't have conviction. Because the finance interest rates are very low and the rates will continue or not, is problem. Japan government doesn't want higher interest rates because of their debts. And customers of real estate doesn't want, either. Rich old people and big companies want to higher interest rates. This conflicting may continue some terms. There is one way to reduce government debts, by getting higher taxes. But Japan government doesn't do it. This is mystery. Rich old people are their supporters.

Flow of Car Company movement to the future

It seems that there are some flow of car company movement. 1. EU Car companies want Chinese buying power, instead of USA. 2. USA wants to stop the relationship between EU and China. 3. Japan Car companies may not see those flow. 4. More Electric car will be main car in China because of Air pollution. 5. Electric car with A.I. will be main expensive car. 6. Gasoline car will be disappeared slowly. 7. Replacement to electric car is depending on each markets’ customers and each governments’ action.  

Siri and Legend of Zelda: Zoltaxian

2016/9/17 Siri and Legend of Zelda: Zoltaxian Zoltaxian called dangerous word for Siri. But I see that word is standing by 4 words. An AI at LOZ. LOZ means Legend of Zelda. I think Siri has no connection with Freemason or other secret companies. And maybe, in developing of AI, developers uses Game, suchlike Zelda!

TPP: Trump's Joker or Joking?

2016/9/17 TPP: Trump's Joker or Joking? I don't know Mr.Trump or Mrs.Clinton, which will be President. TPP is standing on the logic of block economy. And this logic is alike to Mr.Trump's Protectionism. There is difference about areas, he thinks about USA only, TPP is standing on wider areas. If he changes his mind about protectionism, TPP will be his Joker card!