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The Spider’s Thread

The Spider’s Thread Background I recalled one story “The Spider’s Thread” by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa.'s_Thread This story tells us about to save only his/herself is bad things. My idea This story can apply everything in our minds. Developed countries have/had tried to save only own countries. Developed countries provided fake help to developing countries for maintaining advanced position. In 21st century, the way is no use. Now, Global South appears.  

Diary:Swift programming

2018/3/31. Swift Programming: Good process makes me growing up! Emotion , this is troublesome before doing things… But , these days , I feel self-growth about swift programming. I can ’ t make APP from zero , but I can copy-write & understand other people ’ s source codes. This is great growth for me. I copy-write calculator APP written on the textbook. I can ’ t write it by myself. Maybe it will takes 2-3 months to make some original APPs , it will faster than I expected. I started learning Swift 4 months ago , and it may be 120-160 hours which I spent , Some homepages and books tells it takes 200-300 hours to master Swift. I think it ’ s right , and it is more than 80-120 hours ( maybe 2-3 months ) to make my original APPs. I want to study faster… And I feel that it is no use about regrets which I didn ’ t start quickly.  3 steps for learning Swift! 1 ) Reading  iBooks on launch time by iPhone - 8 hours/a month 2 ) Reading textbooks afte

Fear has gone

2018/3/28. Fear has gone... I was captured by illusionary fear. This fear is made by my weakness. I hope I will get better life in near future. I cannot think as positive , but I feel relaxing now. Because life is to be happy & joyful. I thought my life is too important , but I am one of many many humans. I hope I am very unique & special , but I think everyone is as so. Thus , I am one of many many humans...


2018/3/28. Diary  What should I behave?  I need somewhere to run... I really want to escape from current work. But if I escape from working , I cannot live. I don ’ t have enough money to live... Ahhh... Changing job is not easy in Japan.  Perhaps it ’ s easy... Waiting for better things is not good answer... Ummm... Recently I am learning Swift programming , but the skill is not enough to make App. I need some months for learning. Maybe more than 6 months. I am not smart to get the skill fast. And I need money for leaving job. $10000... This money is for safety life. It will be enough to live for 6 months. The problem is short of programming skill & money. Okay... I hope the situation will go better. But I can change the situation , maybe... How should I change the situation? 1 ) Face on programming more seriously. 2 ) Save money. 3 ) Ready for changing job. Good grief... 

North Korea

2018/3/27. North Korea  In the near future , North Korea and USA will talk about nuclear weapons & ICBM. North Korea ’ s answer will... 1 ) Have nuclear weapons & ICBM 2 ) Abandon nuclear weapons & ICBM 3 ) Other options 1 ) This will be very possible. 2 ) This will be low possible. 3 ) I think this answer is nonexistent. Yes or no will be there , because of time limits. North Korea can ’ t abandon weapons , because they are earning foreign money by weapons. If USA support money instead of abandoning , perhaps North Korea will abandon weapons. But the support by USA means that North Korea is under USA controls. China & Russia is behind North Korea , so the support will be disturbed by China & Russia. ( Just my one opinion ) North Korea will keep having & selling weapons under the controls of China & Russia.  1 ) Recently , North Korea started meeting with China. It seems the ready for negotiation break. 2 ) Russia wan

Hopeless border

2018/3/25. Hopeless border Borders between rich , middle & poor classes may be hopeless. There has been the borders between rich and middle , middle and poor. Now , the borders are vaguely in Japan. Perhaps only the border between middle and poor , is vaguely , because of decreasing the middle class.  I sometimes wonder that there is middle class or not. Perhaps middle class may be illusion. In old days , there was middle class , in these days , is there middle class? Thinking self as middle class is easy , but top riches don ’ t think them as middle class. The definition of middle class is very vaguely. #Just my one opinion  The borders between rich and middle is like IQ150 and IQ120. I think IQ120 peoples know that there are upper IQ people , so their attacking targets will be peoples under IQ120. So IQ120 peoples see them as middle class by themselves. It ’ s free to tell them as middle class.  Writing back about hopeless border... Middle class p

Advertisement in the future

2018/3/22.  Advertisement in the future I think that shopping advertisement will use customers ’ location information with connecting  customers ’ information. It means that if we walk in the city , pop-up advertisement will appear in our devices or shop-displays. Location information , credit score & class of customers will be connected by big IT company , for example Google , Amazon & Facebook. This future seems near. I thought IT company were on the illusion infrastructure , INTERNET. But internet is collecting customers ’ information. One people said that INTERNET is already thinking just like human. I think so , too. The internet seems living , and collecting human ’ s all information. Networks are only lines which connects point and point. But one day , networks wakes up , and it will be brain-like. And networks which is brain-like , will control points. Points lose power and networks get power. Information flow controls information. ( Ma

Common market ethics

2018/3/21. Common market ethics  Common market ethics is designed by the lowest participant ’ s ethics. Market has a lot of participants , and there must be rules made by common ethics. But this rules will be designed by lowest participant ’ s ethics under limitless freedom. Bad coins drives out good coins... I feel that insiders’ deals are never ending... #I am reading “ What money can ’ t buy ” written by Michael Sandel in Japanese edition.


2018/3/18. Amazon: Slice gains , many customers & big data... ; This too big company... I feel a little scary of the future which Amazon will make. Amazon just like the salmon which is raising the river from downstream. Downstream means retailer.  Virtual retailer is only amazon , now. And next , real retailers will be targets. Makers & real retailers are losing their gains by amazon. If amazon makes & controls main logistics , the game will be over. Because I think that the flow of information controls information , the flow of people controls people , the flow of money controls money and the flow of things controls things ( Just my opinion ) .  We can ’ t live without things... Amazon will control the flow of things , main logistics... Now , amazon has bigger power than small government has. Amazon ’ s total sales is bigger than small country ’ s GDP.


2018/3/18. GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation ; Maybe big impact! I don ’ t know details of GDPR , but it will be big impact for current internet.  Amazon or some big companies will be affected. Customers information which is not appeared on balance sheets , is important asset for company. ( Looking only balance sheets is dangerous to invest , I think. ) #I met other Mensa members yesterday , and I felt something important things are happening by SNS. SNS is connecting people who couldn ’ t meet. This thing will do something impact to traditional society.

World (USA) Economy: Limit of human resources is appearing

2018/3/16.  World ( USA ) Economy: Limit of human resources is appearing Miami pedestrian bridge collapses , killing six people , crushing cars Bridge collapses… I think this is symbol about limit of human resources.

World Stock Markets: Fear & Greed Index recovered to 44!

2018/3/10. World Stock Markets: Fear & Greed Index recovered to 44! Fear & Greed Index I think that it is time to invest for short term gains , but I don ’ t… Because I don ’ t have enough money… And I don ’ t have enough confidence for investing to stocks… The people who can invest now , is the people who can do gamble till being die or rich… I am not…

Streaming music kills future...

2018/3/10. More makes suffering , less makes easier , and keeping makes worse or better... The desire for more makes suffering , and keeping this desire makes things worse. The desire for less makes things easier , and keeping this desire makes things better. These days , I realized that more and more songs are published by streaming music. Is this phenomenon good for listeners & musicians? I don ’ t think it ’ s good. More and more songs is decreasing their values and listeners seems getting tired of listening music. Music is not consumptive , I want music as partners for life. Streaming music is the system that only big companies get gains. Some stars will be born in future , but their life are gamblers ’ . And there are a lot of losers under their life.  What can I do for this consumptive music world? I don ’ t know , but there must be better ways for good songs , musicians and listeners... #I like “ Cash cash ”, American electronic music group ,

North Korea

2018/3/10.  Failure or Success?  How Trump-Kim Talks Must Overcome History of Failure Iraq was attacked by suspicious of unknown weapons. North Korea is on the table with Nuclear weapons. What is different between Iraq and North Korea?  This means that USA government changes the attitude. It seems that USA is afraid of fighting with China behinds North Korea. 

Systems for capital gains

2018/3/9.  Systems for capital gains I met other Mensa members in last month , and I heard there was German virtual currency which was not known in Japan. One member bought the currency and it would be higher price because it would be known in Japan , and many Japanese would buy it. Popularity is good systems for capital gains. If we know insider information , we can get capital gains easily.  This system is depending on popularity and it needs a lot of victims who doesn ’ t know the system. Using asymmetry of information is easy way to get money. In other words , if we don ’ t realize the asymmetry of information , we lose money…