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The potential enemy

2019/6/30.  The potential enemy Trump , Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone , face-to-face for first time since Hanoi On Historic Visit To Iran , Japan's Abe Hopes To Play Role Of Mediator With U.S. ( My opinion ) I think that Japan is still ( forever? ) the potential enemy for USA. When Japan try to get advantage position in the world politics , USA will do opposite things to it. USA have tried to cut off Japan ’ s potential power , and it works very well. And USA will continue to do that. Learned helplessness Japan politics is being the state of learned helplessness in the world politics. And same things have happened in everywhere in the world. Is this happy things for us? B...

The modification

2019/6/29.  The modification I can ’ t change the whole world , I only can change how I see the whole world. I thought that WW3 would happen in soon. But not yet. I don ’ t know WW3 never comes… So I have to change how I see the world… This is painful action. But I need this action. What I can do is modifying my plans… Nobody is perfect. I bought Nikkei put options. They will be electric trash. Knowing what I don ’ t know is nearly equal to modify the plan. How I see the world may be too pessimistic. Changing my view from negative view to positive view. And it will be my gold experience. In addition , I feel that many governments & politicians are too sensitive to the stock market. There are some reasons. Stock prices is directly connected to many people ’ s pensions. The pension is directly connected to fear for many people ’ s retirement life. And retirement peoples have election tickets. So the governments & politi...

The Time-Lag

2019/6/16.  The Time-Lag I am buying Nikkei put option. I don ’ t know this decision is right or wrong. And there is the time lag for my decision ’ s answer. I am suffering about the time lag , now. So I am waiting the answer…

The Brain

2019/6/8.  The Brain ( Just my opinion ) I am thinking about the relation ship between IQ and Brain. In this time , IQ means reaction speed of thinking. And reaction means below: Input -> Calculation -> Output I read some book about smartness. And there is some description to be concerned about. High IQ only means doing shortcut on thinking. This means below: Calculation in IQ 100 ( sd15 ) people ’ s brain  Input -> Calc A -> Calc B -> Calc C -> Calc D -> Output Calculation in IQ 130 ( sd15 ) people ’ s brain  Input -> Calc A -> Calc D -> Output IQ 130 people cut the Calc B & Calc C , so their reaction speed is higher than IQ 100 people. And another book about Psychopath also writes about some description. The Psychopath brain doesn ’ t call the memory about punishment. And Psychopath people also have low IQ.   I have one hypothesis about psychopath. The arrested psychopaths ...

The Nintendo

2019/5/27.  The Nintendo Apple ’ s Next Big Move? It Should Buy Nintendo I don ’ t recommend for Apple buying Nintendo. Because Nintendo is losing creating contents skill in these 5 more years. Nintendo created a lot of contents in the past. But recently it always reuse its old contents. Current Nintendo is contents holder , not contents creator. So Apple should not buy Nintendo company now. And the buying chance may comes later. Nintendo has a lot of cash and contents , but it is losing them step by step. So Nintendo will need help from other big company. It will be the chance to help them. “ The drowning person also grabs a whistle. ” This is good tactics for investment. And current Nintendo is not drowning person.

The AR

2019/5/26.  The AR ( Augmented Reality ) The AR technology will be bigger market. So I focus on making AR app. This is big chance! I made 2 AR apps , “ Word On AR World ” & “ Remix of AR World ” . These apps gave me good experiences for making next one. I wanted to make paid app for next , but maybe I don ’ t. My app developing skill is still low. So when I satisfy with my app , I will make it paid app.


2019/5/25.  The “ FACT FULLNESS ” I am reading the book “ FACT FULLNESS ” by Hans Rosling in Japanese edition. Factfulness Summary This book is very interesting. I noticed some things about the world. ( 1 ) USA , EU and Japan people I felt that people who live in developed countries are rude. They believe that they have done and are doing big things with huge efforts. This is misunderstanding. They are just in good luck. Next economic attacking side is China , India or other countries. We are defensive side , and maybe good luck won ’ t come. ( 2 ) Middle east Asia people Middle east Asia people will improve their life step by step. This is good thing.  I have met Iran peoples , and I felt they were smart enough to get better life. ( 3 ) Africa Africa is hopeful countries. I sometimes read about good side of Africa. I hope Africa people live in rich life. ( 4 ) All around...

The possibility

2019/5/22. The possibility  There is possibility about new smartphones OS. China market wants smartphones OS now. So China people will make own smartphones OS , instead of Android OS. In my experience , China was first downloader in my apps. This may be that they collect all apps for next OS.

The bitcoin

2019/5/17. The bitcoin  The price of bitcoin is getting higher. I am thinking the reason. And it is the expression for WW3. Rich people in China or other countries may moving their money by bitcoin. This is just my opinion.

The macOS app by Swift language

2019/5/12.  The macOS appHow to make it by Swift language The macOS app written by Swift language will increase in near future. So I want to introduce my experience about “ Swift2Kotlin ” what I made in the past. Github URL 2.App view 3.Source code ( View controller.swift ) // //  ViewController.swift //  Swift2Kotlin // //  Created by 高木耕平 on 2019/01/24. //  Copyright © 2019 高木耕平 . All rights reserved. // import Cocoa import Foundation class ViewController: NSViewController {          @IBOutlet weak var swiftCode: NSScrollView!     @IBOutlet weak var kotlinCode: NSScrollView!          var kotlinCodeString: String!          @IBOutlet var swiftCode1: NSTextView!     @IBOutlet var kotlinCode1: NSTextView!          ...