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The Spider’s Thread

The Spider’s Thread Background I recalled one story “The Spider’s Thread” by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa.'s_Thread This story tells us about to save only his/herself is bad things. My idea This story can apply everything in our minds. Developed countries have/had tried to save only own countries. Developed countries provided fake help to developing countries for maintaining advanced position. In 21st century, the way is no use. Now, Global South appears.  

The Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc:TYO 9501

2020/4/15.  The Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc:TYO 9501 I finished buying the stocks of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc, TYO 9501. I bought 1500 stocks!  It may be small amount of money for rich people, but this is my asset. The Tokyo Electric Power Company’s stock price is very low because of Fukushima Earthquake. And the damage still remains in the Japanese investors’ heart. But very low price, so there is a little space for falling lower. So I bought it. I hope the Tokyo Electric Power Company will restart dividend from this year.

The Corona virus & Bitcoin

2020/4/10.    The Corona virus & Bitcoin  There seems no relation between corona virus and bitcoin. But is it real? I feel these 2 things are signals from the future, evolutionary future. From the spreading speed view, these 2 things are very similar. The spreading speed means the speed which gets into humans’ minds. I mean fear & greed minds. Of course, corona virus is fear mind, and bitcoin is greed mind. Corona virus is spreading the fear. Bitcoin spreads the greed. I want to think this theme more...

The Recycle

2020/4/5.  The Recycle I closed my another Japanese language website, and am trying recycling it for web scraping by Python. I am trying to face with option trading, seriously. For it, web scraping by Python is needed, not making macOS app by Swift. Learning web scraping is difficult, but this skill helps me a lot. Linux with Python is useful tool, so I chose it. Option trading is more difficult than learning web scraping. Option trading is one of my life tasks. I hope I can do well.

The Dirty 5 rings

2020/3/31.  The Dirty 5 rings I heard some Japanese used money to Olympic members. Humm. I think it is true. Because it is asian way.(Or perhaps only Japanese way.) I wanted watching Tokyo Olympic at the stadiums, but I couldn't. Because I missed lottery. So I don't care if Tokyo Olympic will open or not.

The $100

2020/3/21.   The $100 I earned $100(¥10000) by Nikkei Option trading. It’s small amount of money, but I satisfied… Recently, the bear is so strong, put option is too high priced. Aiming to get rebound was good tactics. And I am buying specific defensive stock. I can’t write the name, but this is bargain sales in my life.

The Contradiction 矛盾

2020/3/16.  The Contradiction 矛盾  Recently, power people are doing 2 things.  One is lowering the interest rates, another is stopping flow of economy. This is the contradiction. I see what they want to do. They don’t want stock price lower, but want to seal the corona virus. This contradiction reveals some of truth what I could find. There are limit line that the developed country can accept. Limit line was over. So power people are in a hurry for stopping falling the stock price. This is not tragedy, just comedy. They become in a hurry, when they and their friends lose money. They don’t care about normal people’s life…

The problem is?

2020/3/11.    The problem is? At this bear market, corona virus is not problem. Corona virus is just trigger. The problem is too high priced stocks. So if corona virus problem is solved at one moment, bear market keeps on. I think the bear will stay till this spring.

The Works in patent office

2020/3/1.   The Works in patent office I am working in patent office for 1 year, and I want to improve my working’s quality. So opening what I do in it will be helpful for it. I often translate English patents to Japanese patents. And I introduce some of my works in below. The patent is consisted from 4 parts, Claims, Description, Drawings and Abstract. [Claims]「請求項」 This is most important part for the patent.  This determines the scope of the patent. Claims is written by old language like the laws. Claims often are consisted from short sentences. Because short sentences cover bigger scope of the patents. [Description]「明細書」 This is technical description for Claims. Description helps understanding the Claims. (Claims often are difficult for understanding.) Description is written by technical language like the technical papers. [Drawings]「図面」 Drawings are the visual tools for the patents. They often help us understanding the whole of the pate

The Wild inflation

2020/2/28.  The Wild inflation The wild inflation will come to the world. It is caused by too much money finance. The emitted money goes around world, and it raise the price of materials. Rude people thought they could control prices of items, so the answer will come. The answer’s result will eat our money…

The Hacking

There are too many hackers!!! I opened their IP Addresses! And hummm. This list is interesting... Chinese and Russian hackers are many, and their target is root account... Log files are here...

The Timer with Swift

2020/2/16.  The Timer with Swift I was suffering about how to use timer with swift… import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View {          @State var count = 0          func timerStart() {         _ = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true , block:{             timer in self .count += 1         })     }          var body: some View {         VStack{             Button(action:{ self .timerStart()}) {             Text("Timer Start")         }         Text(String(count))     } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {     static var previews: some View {         ContentView()     } } Above code is very easy, but reaching to it,  I was very suffered… Xcode prints too much errors…

The Soldiers & Arm developers

2020/2/16.    The Solders & Arms developers  I am reading the one book about the dark web. There is one interesting sentence. “Technology is not neutral, it is freedom & power.” I agree with it. Then I am thinking about programming. What do I want to do by this technology? I want money. But how? There are 3 ways.(Or more) 1)Soldiers  Doing business by using the technology. 2)Arms developers  Selling tools by developing with the technology. 3)Combination  Combination of above. I prefer the 2). Being Solders is difficult for me... Trying to be soldiers is hard thing for me. Making apps may be categorized as 1). But I made AR apps for tools.  And it may be categorized as 2). Making tools, not apps which consumes user’s time for nothing, is suitable for me. I realized that I want to make some tools, not games. Games mean “The app which use other people’s time for nothing”. Games have very beautiful user interface, great

The Emperor’s New Clothes

2020/2/10.  The Emperor’s New Clothes The emperor’s new clothes are made by the papers. The papers are USD, EURO, and JPY. Someday, people will realize about the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The problem is when people will realize, not how to stop it. And telling that "The king is naked" has no meaning. And buying real gold is good. But I don’t have much money to buy it. So I am learning the skill which brings me money.