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Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

Own Filters: Recognize them or not, it is problem.

  On October 20th, 2022, I reflected on the increasing amount of information in the world. It is becoming increasingly difficult to remember or keep track of all the information available to us. To cope with this deluge of information, we use our own filters, either consciously or unconsciously. However, recognizing our own filters or not can have significant consequences, dividing us into two categories: smart people who are aware of their filters, and normal people who are not. This difference in perception can create major problems. But before we jump to conclusions, we should ask ourselves a simpler question: "Is the information in the world really increasing?" Although it may seem true, the Earth is still the same size as it was yesterday. The definition of "information" is "digital/verbalized data." Therefore, it is true that the amount of digital/verbalized data in the world is increasing. However, this leads to another question: "Does digital...

Semi alliance between Russia and North Korea

There is a possibility of a semi-alliance forming between Russia and North Korea. Recently, North Korea has launched missiles toward Japan multiple times, possibly as a way of intimidating Japan and discouraging any thoughts of war with Russia. This situation raises questions about the potential rewards for North Korea. One possibility is that Russia may provide them with nuclear weapons and related technologies.

Estoppel principle

On September 23rd, 2022, I reflected on the importance of the estoppel principle in negotiation skills. The reason why Russia may struggle with negotiation skills is that they don't adhere to the estoppel principle. To develop strong negotiation skills, it is essential to follow the estoppel principle. Historically, Russia has acted for short-term gains, often neglecting the long-term consequences. However, this approach can result in a higher cost in the future. Therefore, it is crucial for any negotiator to consider the potential long-term consequences of their actions, and to adhere to the estoppel principle.

Oracle JP Patent

 I searched Oracle's Japan patents. Hummm... Oracle seems to be ready for online Databases, I think... FI Total 説明 Description Total 821 G06F16 277 情報検索;そのためのデータベース構造;そのためのファイルシステム構造[2019.01] Information retrieval; Database structures therefor; File system structures therefor G06F9 168 プログラム制御のための装置,例.制御装置(周辺装置のためのプログラム制御G06F13/10)[2018.01] Arrangements for program control, e.g. control units (program control for peripheral devices G06F13/10) [2018.01] G06F12 151 メモリシステムまたはアーキテクチャ内でのアクセシング,アドレシングまたはアロケーティング(記録媒体,例.ディスク記録ユニット,からのデジタル入力,またはデジタル出力G06F3/06)[2006.01] Accessing, addressing or allocating within memory systems or architectures (information storage in general G11) [4,5] G06F17 118 特定の機能に特に適合したデジタル計算またはデータ処理の装置または方法(そのための情報検索,データベース構造またはファイルシステム構造G06F16/00)[2019.01] Digital computing or data processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for specific functions (information retrieval, database structures or file system structures therefor G06F?16/00) [2019.01] G06F13 100 ...

Started new blog...

 I started new blog. This is written mainly by Japanese. I used my knowledge on current job, and I started it. In addition, I made Javascript pages.

Skills and Relationship

When considering the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it is important to remember that there may be readers from both countries reading this article. With that in mind, I want to discuss the relationship between skills and relationships. The figure below illustrates the result of the relationship between Person A and Person B, including Fight, Flight, and Negotiation skills. Fight represents physical combat between the two parties, while Flight involves escaping from Person A or Person B. Negotiation refers to resolving the conflict through language and without violence. Currently, it seems that Russia is relying solely on its Fighting skill when dealing with Ukraine, and is unable or unwilling to utilize its Negotiation skill. This puts Ukraine in a favorable position, as they have the option to use either Fight or Negotiation skills to address the conflict. While Ukraine cannot escape the conflict, they may have the opportunity to win if they can employ their Negotiation skill ef...

IQ and Society

When discussing IQ and society, it is important to note that individuals with lower IQ scores in Japan are more likely to be incarcerated, with an average score of around 80. In contrast, it is said that successful business people in Japan have IQ scores ranging from 115-120. Based on this, there are four types of people: those who are positive towards society and have a high IQ, those who are negative towards society and have a high IQ, those who are positive towards society and have a low IQ, and those who are negative towards society and have a low IQ. If someone with a high IQ score is not happy, there may be a few reasons for this. For type (1) individuals, their IQ score may be too high, and if it is above 120, happiness may be saturated. For type (2) individuals, their negative attitude towards society may be causing unhappiness. It is important to reflect on our own attitudes towards society. If we have a negative attitude towards society, it may hinder our success, regard...

Lack of common skills

The lack of common skills is a prevalent issue among workers in Japan, and it is hindering their ability to change jobs. This lack of mobility allows their bosses to keep their salaries low, resulting in a dangerous cycle where workers are forced to work longer hours to make up for the low pay. To avoid this negative spiral, it is essential for workers to acquire common skills. These skills can include English language proficiency, information technology, and accounting or statistical knowledge. By possessing these skills, workers can broaden their job opportunities and be less dependent on their current employers. It is important to note that this cycle of poor job mobility and low pay is not limited to Japan, and can occur in many parts of the world. To combat this, we must be proactive in acquiring new skills and adapting to the changing job market. In my personal experience, I have found that learning English has been a valuable investment, and I have since developed translation...

"JavaScript” is Oracle’s Trademark

"JavaScript” is Oracle’s Trademark I didn’t know “JavaScript” is Oracle’s trademark. There are variety of programming languages which are derived from JavaScript by big IT companies. I didn’t know why they don’t use raw JavaScript, but I found they don’t want to use Oracle’s trademark. In addition, I found this article, “”Dear Oracle, Please Release the JavaScript Trademark. JavaScript is very useful for indivisuals, but “JavaScript” is not useful for business.

Greed and Fear

  Greed and Fear Mirror emotions, they are… I read this quote, “ Fear and Greed are mirror images of each other.” Singh Shuchita & Bahi Shilpa, Behavioural Finance. I found this quote is the essence of life. From this quote, if people feels fear emotion easily, greed emotion will catch him/her easily, and vise varsa. In my experience, fear and anxiety are different emotions. Fear is alarm from his/her classical brain. Anxiety is made from mixing boring and negative emotions. I thought one idea, “If people who want all own money keeping without any risks, he/she will be greedy people on own his/her job, and vise varsa.” In addition, “If there is people who does not do investing, I don’t want to work with him/her. Because he/she will take away my job.” If the idea is TRUE, greedy/fear people can be easily distinguishable, because they don’t invest own money.

JavaScript & Python, English and Statistics

  2022/8/13.   JavaScript & Python, English and Statistics I changed my recognition about block chain technology. This is the revolution. It causes the world to be seamless. In addition, some famous investors are still skeptical to block chain technology. But I think that the attitudes are fakes. Because if they admit block chain technology, US$ will lose its power. This revolution is moving silently now, but will be noisy. Block chain technology will change government currency to software currency. We can’t make government, but can make software. I hope the world will be better. Recently, the important things to learn are JavaScript & Python, English and Statistics. These 4 things will help us to live happier.


  2022/7/8.  BOSO TOKYO BOSO TOKYO is new styles of ART and CULTURE. This is combined with block chain technology. Creators can distribute their art directly by using block chain. Now the creators are trying to  give NFT avatars to us. Not all people who entry to BOSO TOKYO can get it. This action may be Win-Win project between the creators and fans. To see BOSO TOKYO’s “Give away NFT”, jump from here. Limit date is 2020/7/20.