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Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

Physical information blockade in Japan

  2024/4/28.  Physical information blockade in Japan I watched some news about physical information blockade in Japan. South Korea to consult Naver, after report firm faces Japan pressure to divest stake I know other news like that, for example Japan gov have asked Datacenter to be in Japan. I thought that the news means Japan gov started to block information flow physically in Japan. Furthermore, Japan gov wants to control domestic information flow both of in/out. This is bad signal for almost all Japanese. Now, not many Japanese notice it, but if it reveals to mass-Japanese, the end may be near. In addition, Japan is consisted of many islands, so if submarine cables are cut and satellites are controlled by Japan gov, almost all Japanese can’t call to help to foreigners.

Relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition

  2024/4/27.   Relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition I know about headaches and body’s pains are signals by special abilities. There is strong relationship between special abilities and pattern recognition. The way how I feel pains as special abilities and analysis them is below. Input A: Feel headache and body pains Verbalization: Verbalize input A, then memorize it or write on memo Input B: Observation other people’s feeling or situations Compare: Compare Verbalized Input A and Input B Output:Improve to recognize what my pains mean “Compare” process needs pattern recognition skill. Typically figure IQ test aims to measure pattern recognition skill about input from eyes. The IQ test is only for input from eyes. My pains are from touch sensor in my body. Then I applied pattern recognition skill for my pains. I don’t know how other people use own recognition skill. But if other people notice how the pains patterns reveal, they can c...

Headache and body’s pain

  2024/4/24.     Headache and body’s pain I think that my headache and body’s pain are special abilities. Signals of headaches and body’s pain have different accuracies. Body’s pain has higher accuracy than headaches. Body’s pain may show other people’s strong attentions. Headaches show other people’s weak attentions. I categorize headaches and body’s pain. Headaches  •Head’s right back pain:Anger by normal males  •Head’s left back pain:Anger by normal females  •Head’s right top pain:Anger by smart females  •Head’s left top pain:Anger by smart males  Body’s pain •Body’s back pain:Bad and planed attention  •Right hand’s pain:Strong anger by males  •Left hand’s pain:Anger by females(I don’t have many examples.)

The way(道)

  2024/4/23.  The way(道) I will write how to notice tiny difference and keep on observations. In this article, tiny differences mean small pains on my body. I know it is not common way to notice tiny differences. (1)Notice tiny difference If people feel headache, people usually think bad health. I did, too. But when I realized my headache may be connected to other people’s bad attitudes. When other people turns his/her attention to me, I sometimes feel it as headache or body pains. It is beginning for notice tiny differences. (2)Keep on observations I have been keeping on observations about my pains by memorizing in head and writing on memo. Writing on memo is very important action, because remembering in head uses a lot of own brain resource. (3)Process to improve feeling People usually think as below. Input information -> think input -> Output thoughts I use below process to improve feeling my pains. Input A: Feel headache and body pains Verbaliza...

Line between high and low

  2024/4/20.   Line between high and low Drawing line between high and low is difficult. Usually, we use our experience to it. I think line between high technology and low technology is using electric energy power or not. USA inflation may be caused by decrease of exporting from China. Recently, USA tries to shut out exporting from China. Shutting out parts and products with high technology is reasonable. But shutting out parts and products with low technology is not reasonable. Building materials don’t use high technology. They are one example for parts and products with low technology. Low technology parts and products are in everywhere. ***********Addition************ Low technology parts and products are not always low prices. Cosmetics and jewelry are expensive. Relationship High price Low price High technology (a) (b) Low technology (c) (d) Examples are below. (a):CPU, memory and other information technology parts (b):???...

Mismatch between China supply capacity and USA inflation

  2024/4/18.  Mismatch between China supply capacity and USA inflation I found one large mismatch between China supply capacity and USA inflation. USA inflation may be caused by house construction fee. Buying house is one of the most expensive things in our life. Recently, China real estate market is in trouble. Because there is large house supply capacity. Of course, I know China can’t export their house to USA. But how about building materials? China has large building material supply capacity and USA wants house to be cheaper. There seems to be mismatch between them. I don’t know who will be selected to next USA president. But Mr.Trump is good at real estates trading. So I hope that Mr.Trump or current US president Biden can solve this mismatch.

Article 9 and “離間計” by Japan government

  2024/4/18.  Article 9 and “離間計” by Japan government Japan government have been protecting Article 9 and taking “離間計” action between USA and China. Article 9 Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.,means%20of%20settling%20international%20disputes. “離間計” action is the tactics to break the situation by separating the targets.離間計# I don’t know those actions(protecting article 9 and “離間計”) are suitable for the world. But Japan government...

Lack of Trust between USA and China

  2024/4/18.     Lack of Trust between USA and China Trust is caused by imagination. Imagination needs knowledge and understanding. Lack of trust often be caused by understanding. If there seems to be lack of trust, we have to use our brains for understanding to others. Relationship between USA and China seems to be losing trust. This is caused by lack of understanding about Japan government policy. Japan government have been wanting USA and China not to have trust each other. In fact, Japan government has been supporting for Taiwan with one purpose. The purpose is to stop relationships between USA and China.

Secret Code(correlation 0.95189 between Nasdaq and Commodities)

  2024/4/8.  Secret Code These days, I wrote some Python codes about searching correlation between Nasdaq and Commodities. The latest score is 0.95189 now(2024/4/8). I don’t open this code because I will use it for my trading assistant program. I hope I can be rich with the program… (Additional things...) I changed my mind, but it is only small... This is the result picture between Predicted model vs Actual Nikkei 225 Close price. 2024/4/17.  Additional result I lost $200(¥30000)... My bad point is too much believing my thought...