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Showing posts with the label War

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  2023/6/15.  Hiroshima, Nagasaki Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki I watched this news. I felt 2 kinds of emotions, deep emotion and incompatibility. Deep emotion may be caused from being Japanese. Another emotion, incompatibility was from my thought. I read some books about WW2, and there were some facts. 1)Old Japan gov knew that US army had developed new weapon(atomic bomb). Old Japan gov had their intelligence network in USA. 2)Old Japan gov knew that Japan couldn’t win to USA. Old Japan gov had searched how to stop war. I imagined that situation, and I thought one idea. “Old Japan gov let go Hiroshima and Nagasaki as the victims of the war.” I know that there are 2 kinds of people in Japan, elites who have powers and citizen who doesn’t have powers. Old Japan gov had being controll...

Unbalanced balance

  2023/6/6.  Unbalanced balance I am thinking about world politics. Ukraine vs Russia war has not ended. In fact, there is balanced balance.  Ukraine vs Russia = G7 vs China Is this true? Russia may be under China and there are G7 behind Ukraine. Shares of global GDP are  Ukraine:0.3% Russia:3% G7:44% China:18% If Ukraine : Russia = G7 : China is true, 0.3 : 3 = 44 : 18, and this is false. There may be unbalanced balance. My questions are 1)Ukraine is too small 2)Russia is too big 3)G7 is too small 4)China is too big I am thinking one idea, China does not support Russia enough and G7 support Ukraine too much. (I think that helping Ukraine is important.) I mean Ukraine + G7’s support = Russia (+China’s small support). This means Ukraine + G7’s support = 3, and Russia = 3. Furthermore, if China supports Russia bigger, Ukraine (+G7) will lose. In fact, G7 is losing their powers by this war. This article is hard to read, so below is with Cha...

What Russia gov believes…

February 14, 2023. What the Russian government believes... This is just my opinion, but I believe that the Russian government places more importance on oil and gas as sources of power, rather than electrical energy. Their goal seems to be to gain control over Europe, rather than the United States. Additionally, the Russian government seems to be relying on outdated information. They are also trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of the world. However, this is based on a misunderstanding of the real world, and as time goes by, the Russian people will suffer.

Semi alliance between Russia and North Korea

There is a possibility of a semi-alliance forming between Russia and North Korea. Recently, North Korea has launched missiles toward Japan multiple times, possibly as a way of intimidating Japan and discouraging any thoughts of war with Russia. This situation raises questions about the potential rewards for North Korea. One possibility is that Russia may provide them with nuclear weapons and related technologies.

Skills and Relationship

When considering the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it is important to remember that there may be readers from both countries reading this article. With that in mind, I want to discuss the relationship between skills and relationships. The figure below illustrates the result of the relationship between Person A and Person B, including Fight, Flight, and Negotiation skills. Fight represents physical combat between the two parties, while Flight involves escaping from Person A or Person B. Negotiation refers to resolving the conflict through language and without violence. Currently, it seems that Russia is relying solely on its Fighting skill when dealing with Ukraine, and is unable or unwilling to utilize its Negotiation skill. This puts Ukraine in a favorable position, as they have the option to use either Fight or Negotiation skills to address the conflict. While Ukraine cannot escape the conflict, they may have the opportunity to win if they can employ their Negotiation skill ef...