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Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak

  Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak I know one pretender to be tough. The person shifted to be weak after he/she lost own bluff. I thought about the difference between real confidence and bluff. Real confidence stands by our sides, but bluff is put on own faces. Real confidence makes us stronger. Bluff can make us both of stronger and weaker. In other words, real confidence is asset, but bluff is risk. The result of bluff will be better or worse than without bluff. (I don’t like such risk, so that I try not to use bluff.) I thought about below matrix. Result With Real confidence Without Real confidence With Bluff Middle Risk and High Return  High Risk and Middle Return Without Bluff Low Risk and Middle Return Middle Risk and Low Return I don’t know this matrix is true, but not so far from true. Then I thought about another things, “Are there perfect method?” If I have real confidence and don’t use bluff, there ar...

Tip: Using computer mouse with left hand is better!

I think that using computer mouse with left hand is better for working people. Because many people use ten keys with right hand for Excel, so using mouse with left hand is better. The speed that I use mouse with left hand is slower than right hand, but total speed of works is faster. So I recommend left-hand-mouse, and it takes about 2 weeks for practice.

Words thinking, is this only one method?

2017/7/14. Solutions:Words thinking vs Other solute methods  We often call words thinking as logical , and it is thought as best. Word thinking is easy to communicate if we have common words. But are there any methods for solutions ? There are!  In my experience , we use images ,   graphic , pictures , as assist tools for words thinking. And we put out ideas suddenly between sleeping. This is not words thinking , obviously. I feel that AI is stronger to think by words than human. So if we want to overcome singularity , we have to develop anti-words thinking methods. On ordinary IQ test , the figure problems are orthodox. This is one solution to the singularity.  Images as assist tools is not enough. Images as main tools for solutions are current answers by a few CEO in big companies. This solution will be spread to workers in soon. Maybe synesthesia people have very important skills in this solution.  And emotions will be the la...

Last resort: Real estates booming

2017/7/9. Real estates are vital. Clothes , foods & real estate. These 3 things are vitals for life.  Real estates' prices get higher easy , because the difficulty for replacement. I think that the percentage of living in house to the income , will be higher in future. ( In near future , a lot of people will be suffered by this reason. ) If rich people keep on increasing their assets in this economy , a lot of people will be suffering about not having enough money in the retirement age. This is like a "No water in the dessert ".  Retirement people will rely on government at that time , but this is bad situation for government. ( But I want to be rich... ) Real estate' booming is "last resort" in capital economy. This booming happens when the society system has maximum power.  So if USA's this real estates' booming is real , USA will lose their power after ending the booming. ( I don't hope so. ) ( And I boug...

For "IQ under 120 vs over 80" companies

The population percentage of IQ under 120 and IQ over 80 are same. And in business, one company targets on IQ under 120, and another company targets on IQ over 80. Former company gets little profits from customers, and latter company gets large profits. Because the customers' IQ is increasing. Top of the company mayn't know this phenomenon. And targeting the people who have IQ over 80, is difficult mission, but enough good to challenge. If company see the customers as foolish, some customers realize it and escape from that company. And this company will escape to easy way, for example, starting BtoB business. Japan, this country is made for the people IQ under 120. This is obvious. Recently Japan becomes as Turkey. Turkey is near EU, but Islamic society. Japan is near Asia, but Emperor society. Turkey provided many benefits to own citizens, but it's only candy. (Candy which is candy and pain) Japan provided benefits by Abenomics, it's only candy with pr...

Next Technology

2017/6/17. Next Technology Now using IT technology is booming , but 10-20 years later , what is there booming for next technology ? I think that  -Technology without electric power -Technology without www internet: Offline technology  -Cipher & security technology  And some professional people seems that they hide their own technology , because of keeping their advantage. This phenomenon will be harder.

Bipolar age

2017/6/11. Bipolar of real estate for living : Real rich & Fake middle  One side of real estate for living is bigger , more comfortable & expensive. Another side of real estate for living is smaller , more uncomfortable & keeping prices. The latter real estate is for fake middle. I mean fake middle is that who believes illusion of old middle class figures.  I think we are in process of bipolar age. One side is for real riches , another side is for normal people. It seems that governments tried to stop bipolar age , and failed. Bipolar age... Learning English & Computer language are vital skill for me...

Roll of government

2017/6/7. Governments can't stop global warming by tragedy of common space! Governments don't have enough power to stop global warming , even if USA nor China. Global warming is the problem that all people & companies face on. Some people believe that if governments are united , global problems are solved by them. But governments , it is on old systems , and don't have enough power than then. Governments systems' problems Huge debts and short of free money : Causes short of freedom  Aging of people who is voting : Causes short term view  Government members' desires for safety and selfish mind : Causes systems bigger  Even if governments make common rules , governments can't stop each country's movement.  From 21st century , governments have to obey markets. And if people want to ride on government , they will feel regret. From 21st century , governments are not leaders , they are assistants for people & companies...

High IQ: Does it cost or gift?

2017/5/28. High IQ: Does it cost or gift ? Normal people feel that high IQ people see them as foolish , this is because normal people see low IQ people as foolish. I think this misunderstanding causes reaction that high IQ people hides his/her ability.  High IQ people doesn't ( may not ) see normal people as foolish. Normal people often thinks that the way high IQ people thinks is same , but fast. But it's not always right. This is from lack of imagination. Up to environment , high IQ people's ability will be cost or gift. I hope that every high IQ people feels their ability as gift.

Communication difficulties

2017/5/28. Improving emotional reaction : Communication  Emotional answer often makes mistakes. Finding own unconscious emotions is simple solution to improve communication. How to find it ? Like or not like , comfort or not comfort... No. I read this answer by book. There are 5 patterns about relationships with others. Positive & Active people  Positive & Passive people  Negative & Active people  Negative & Passive people  Center & Neutral people  If other people's reaction is positive & active on communication , I am in negative & passive position. And if some people gets angry on brain imaging , they are negative & active people for me. And they see me as positive & passive people. Emotional stress is happened from the misunderstanding how others see me. Misunderstanding is happened between how I see myself and how others see me. So improving emotional reaction is to know how ot...

Japan real estates

2017/5/28. Great deal for Nomura , and bad deal for Japan Post I wondered how Nomura real estates group sell their real estates which are under construction. Because they have a lot of real estates under construction until 2020-2021. I thought that Nomura can't sell them to each individuals. The Japan second real estates booming comes end in soon. This below article shows it. And Japan Post will lose this deals. Japan Post looking to buy Nomura ’ s stake in real estate unit: sources


2017/5/27.  Bitcoins : Is this useful or not ? Bitcoins is new digital currency.  Some people will deny it without thinking it is useful or not.  Merits of using bitcoins are less exchange fee , anonymity , and speculation. But are these merits really useful ? Only some underground people will want to use it , but almost all people don't need to use bitcoins. Or for speculation , some people want to get bitcoins. In now , the people who sways the merits of bitcoins , are moving only for speculation. The people who are attracted by bitcoins , have interesting for speculation. So I have a little interest for bitcoins.

Puzzle: Hidden message & key box

Success or not, from the view of high school world

                          ---Being better child may make him bad guy--- (Just my experience) 1. Parents want child being good child Almost all parents want their child being good/better child. And child try to act being good/better child. Talented children can acting, and parents are pleased with it. If parents’ expectations are too high, child live hard life. 2. Limit of being good child In my experience, some students’ limit of being good child comes in 14-17 years old. And after that, they become having their own power. This is because of limit breaking. If this limit breaking hasn't come and child joins to college, the person will be in trouble. Because he/she is adult, but the person doesn't have their own power. So the person has power, but it's not own. So evilly people who is around the person, want to use his/her power. 3. After saturation of being good child So evilly people always seek to find ...

Battle just like Panama papers will happen again

2017/5/20. IQ , Character and Individual Values  IQ , Character and Individual Values , these 3 things may determine what kind of community the person have to join. And in near future , the government's roll will be changed because of effect by IT. Almost all people & company rides on government , and few people & companies don't. And these few people & companies have huge power , money and effective words. They will be world wide people & company. Few , but powerful people & companies... They will connect each other and dominate the world. Less or more , normal people and companies ride on government. Governments had enough power , but now doesn't work well by huge debts. Government's roll will be changed clearly , and the last time will come. Last time is that government loses to the world wide people and companies. Before the last time , the battle between good politicians and world wide people & companies...