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2018/6/18. Swift is for iOS & macOS I am learning “ Hacking macOS with Swift ” on Udemy course. I stopped original app development now. Because I need studying more about Swift.  Also I am learning “ iOS 11& Swift 4 ” on Udemy. Focusing on Swift Programming Language is needed for me. I hope that Swift will be major standard language in Mac world. And there are some signs about it. Swift is easier to learn , use & understand. Maybe there is not major updates after Swift 4. So if someone want to learn programming , stating from Swift is better , and now is good chance to learn. And I am regret about why I didn ’ t start more quickly. I started learning from last November. I could start more quickly!

Tricky AD

2018/6/15. Tricky ADs In Japan , there seems to be some tricky ADs about real estates. They are written by author who is not known between normal individuals people. And the ADs are written as normal news. They are written that Tokyo real estates ’ prices would be falling soon. These ADs aim people who bought house , to sell in now. Behind these ADs , there is the situation that used-house is selling a lot and the stocks of used-house being less. And consumer tax will raise in soon , so that used-house ’ sale will be bigger. So letting people who read tricky ADs , sell their house and resale them is the ADs ’ task. Very tricky... 

Loan is drug

2018/6/13. Loan is drug Loan Is drug.  Drug is used for ill , and for pleasure of the moment. Loan is used for ill of money , and for pleasure of the moment. Loan avoid facing financial problem with pleasure of the moment.  Drug is used for escaping hard pain in a moment. I think about home loan , student loan and car loan. People usually borrow money for home , education and car. But is it really right? Of course , I couldn ’ t buy education or car without loans. Drugs ( =Loans ) saved me , but I don ’ t want to buy home by loan. Because this drug ( =home loan ) will kill my life. In Japan , there is the myth that home is asset , so borrow money , buy home and return debts for 20-30 years. I don ’ t believe this myth. This myth will kill a lot of workers , because Japanese interest rates will get higher when the government bankrupts. Or before the government bankrupts , the taxes will get higher and the salary will be down. Loan...

Udemy:Good for self learning

2018/6/13. Udemy: Good for self learning  These days , I am using Udemy , online movies site for self learning. This online movie site is very good for self learning. Honestly , I could release my first app for this site. I learned about Swift AR kit. And Udemy has app for smart phones , so wherever I am , I can learn by movies. 1 course cost approximately ¥1300 ( $12 ) . Real price is higher than it , but Udemy also do sales in low prices. Maybe the price will be higher when Udemy becomes famous.  So if I learn by self , using Udemy is good. And learning by movies is better than books. And books cost equal to Udemy.

World stock market

2018/6/11. World stock market: Searching trigger ; I am pessimistic to future... I feel that world stock market is searching bear ’ s claws. Just I feel , and I am pessimistic to future , now. Market tries to find next trigger for collapse , but doesn ’ t decide now. So stock market is in box zone and raises a little. I think bear ’ s claw in this time , is from EU. EU has contradiction between weak countries and strong countries with common currency.  Box zone saves bear ’ s power. If it keeps longer , the power is bigger. Every economists know bubble ends in near future , but don ’ t know accurate dates. Stocks , real estates , bonds & materials. Bonds bubble , next stocks & real estates bubbles , and recently materials ’ prices start higher. So bonds bubble ends in near future. When it starts... I don ’ t have any ideas... Or bubble may ends when early adopters escapes just like bitcoin. ( I thought that this finance bubble will end a...


2018/6/10.  “ Like ” vs “ Should ” Basic skills : ( 1 ) Native language ( Japanese ),                         ( 2 ) Accounting ( Household or small business ),                         ( 3 ) Programming ( Swift ) I think that advanced skill is needed when basic skills are enough. ( 1 ) Native language Japanese language… I don ’ t recommend studying Japanese language. Because the learning cost is very high , and the reward is lower by shrinking Japanese population. Cost is high and reward is low , is bad investment. ( 2 ) Accounting I am studying about Accounting , but it is not clear for me how much important in business. And I found that I don ’ t like Accounting as subject… “ Rich dad & poor dad ” by Robert Kiyosaki was very interesting , but other authors ’ book is not so. But to avoid money trouble , I should study...

Java & Swift

2018/6/10. Java & Swift I have learned Swift Programming Language. It ’ s suitable for beginners of programming , but return from Swift may lower than I expected... I was wrong about this issue , what language I should learn. Android phones ’ share may be over 70% , but it’s 40-50% in Japan. So I misunderstood that learning how to make iPhone app is useful skill in the world. But in the world , Java programming language is standard in smartphones , and it will be kept. There is another problem about app making. Long & difficult review for iPhone app , this is heavy problem. If I want to release 3 or 4 apps , it takes time more than android apps. I know this review is necessary for brand name “ Apple ” .  Learning cost of Swift is very low , so Swift is good for initial programming language. And return from Java programming , is better than Swift. And I want to add one thing , programming for smart phones is easy to understand what I am learn...

Next trigger is in EU

2018/6/8. Thinking about USA vs other G7 countries  Trump ’ s America Isn ’ t Going to the G7 to Make Friends ( or Keep Them ) I heard the news that there is conflict between USA and other G7 countries , because of trade wars. It ’ s easy making “ vs ”, but difficult making “ & ” . Once , “ vs ” is built , the solution is difficult. And the conflict in G7 will be solved by China government ’ s action , I feel. I mean that if USA shakes hands with China government , other G7 countries will change their minds & attitudes. Because USA & China , their GDP are very big , and if they shake hands , the other countries will have very big fear. And I imagine about USA side , shaking hands with China is not bad choice , if USA want to solve conflict between USA and other G7. ( So on Japanese side , I want to say that Japanese government d...


2018/6/8. 1 app per 1 week My 2nd app is rejected for some mistakes. I fixed mistakes and am retrying for Apple ’ s reviews. I am not super parallel tasking worker. So making 1 app in 1 time is suitable.  Maybe making 1 app per 1 week is best. #I solved some money troubles , and I feel relieved. But my parents want me to work full time job. I think I cannot work full time job... How should I do...

3rd app...

2018/6/7. 3rd app... What should I make for 3rd app? I have some ideas for making apps. But what ideas is fun for me to make them?  I don ’ t do games on iPhone. Paradoxically , Games for who doesn ’ t usually play , are good ideas...  Or tools for stock investment , such like ICHIMOKU clouds , are better. But it is difficult. Or tools for construction workers , are better.  I don ’ t know what app will be great sales. So making my mind is difficult... And fun of making is more than great sales , maybe this is right.

「現場試験 アスファルト舗装編」アプリサポートページ

「現場試験 アスファルト舗装編」アプリサポートページ アスファルト舗装の現場試験用アプリです。 路盤材料の現場密度試験、透水性舗装の透水性試験、切り取りコアのノギス密度、かさ密度 に対応しています。 路盤材料の現場密度試験、透水性舗装の透水性試験、切り取りコアのノギス密度、かさ密度 に対応しています。 現場密度試験 入力された数値から締め固め度を求めます。 透水性試験 水が落ちるまでの時間を入力する事で、15秒あたりの透水量を求めます。 ノギス密度、かさ密度 数値を入力する事で、密度を求めます。

iPhone vs Android

2018/6/6.  Second App I am making second app , and it is almost completed. My second app is for Japanese workers ’ tool. And making this app takes 1 week or shorter than it. My development skill is growing up. But iPhone vs Android phone... I hope swift language can be useful for Android Phone. This movie shows that Android phone is almost better than iPhone...


2018/6/5. WWDC 2018 I watched about WWDC 2018 news. Swift Programming Language will be major one. This language will be used both of macOS & iOS. This means the ratio of learning cost/reward will be lower. Or return from learning Swift is bigger.  This is what I imagine. Learning Swift is more than other machine language. Learning cost is low , and return is high. I recommend learning Swift is good investment in 5-6 years , or more. And in near future , programming is vital skill. Some people study about traditional subjects in coffee shops , but I think only 3 subjects is to study... Programming , accounting & foreign language , especially English or Chinese. I started studying from English , and then , programming. Recently , I want to start studying accounting ( Not difficult one , but for small business. ) . There are many subjects , and smart people try to take all. But focusing on programming , accounting and foreign language will be be...

Reading “ZERO to ONE”

2018/6/4. Avoidable competition  I am making next app , and thinking about competition. I think that competition is not to fight , but to avoid. I wonder if this is right. Some people may think this attitude as bad. But so what? In reading “ Zero to one ”, I have conviction about it. Competition makes us tired. Of course , users get benefits from competition. And users want competition situation will be kept longer.  If I want to create something , I should target monopoly situation. Monopoly is opposite side of competition. And how to get monopoly , focusing on it is more important than fighting competition.