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The uncotrollable

2019/5/11.   The uncontrollable 'Bond King' Jeffrey Gundlach says the national debt is 'totally out of control' Yes… I think that BOJ can ’ t stop buying Japanese government bonds. And the elites in Japan society know that they are losing control. They are afraid of admitting the fact that they can ’ t control the bond market and the stock market. Japanese elites doesn ’ t understand the capitalism , they prefer socialism. Normal Japan people doesn ’ t notice it.

The doubt

2019/5/10. The Doubt There is the one doubt in my head. North Korea's Kim calls for stronger strike power and directs missile firing , state media says Is this reaction by North Korea the answer by China gov? I mean that China gov ordered to North Korea to hit the missile. And the reason why China gov ordered is the answer for USA ’ s trade war. Trade war turned to be real war by North Korea ’ s rocket. This is my doubt…

The money

2019/5/9.  The money Smarter people are no better off I think that there are 3 kinds of people in the society, head, body & tail people. I wrote below figure, but I don't think this is right, just opinion...

The end

2019/5/9.  The end I thought that there was last rising in the stock market. It looks mistake. So I will sell my all stocks today. I don ’ t know when this high stock price ends , but I aim to get money from falling by option trading. Maybe this booming economy enters to the end. I hope my blog readers not losing own money.

The next

2019/5/8.  The next I am thinking about next app what I will make. Apps market is divided by 2 types , iOS & Android. I can ’ t make Android app , because I use only Swift language. The share of Android is 70% , and iOS is 30%. I haven ’ t aim to make money from making apps. But I changed my mind , I want to be rich by selling apps. So I have to think about how to make money from apps. Applying to both of iOS & Android is not realistic for me. Because studying cost is too high for me. So iOS app is suitable. ( I lose access to Android market now… ) iOS app market is divided by some groups. Paid apps or free apps. I feel paid apps are good. Games or Tools. I haven ’ t make games. So tools are good. Local language or English. I am not good enough for English to explain tools. So local language , Japanese is the one. Maybe there are more groups. My next app will be paid , tool , and Japanese edition. Humm…. I don ’ t kn...

The information

2019/5/7.  The information Personal information is just like handgun in information society. I am thinking about the manner. Bad manner drives out good manner , or not. I think bad manner does. So if the bad person uses Facebook for his wants , what does he do? I have fear experience about facebook. The female who met in bar , searched my facebook pages. I felt really fear about the female ’ s action. So I changed my personal picture to the paint what I wrote. My teacher told to students “ Don ’ t search normal people ’ s name , it ’ s manner. ” But not everybody knows this manner. And , bad manner drives out good manner. Recently , people prefer to search personal name in facebook. I don ’ t like it. So I quit facebook! In addition , I remember the story about people in stone age. People in stone age began to use stone for fighting with elephants. And one day , they realized that they also could kill their boss by the stone....

The dream

2019/5/6.  The dream: Good point is more than favorite… People looks prefer this saying ” Dream comes true , when you are doing favorite thing ” . I think this is not true. I like writing this blog by English , but not so many people read. I don ’ t think my blog is successful.  But I started learning Swift programming 1 and half years ago. I released some apps. Of course they doesn ’ t bring me money. Making apps seems more successful than writing blog. I prefer writing blog more than making apps. But the result is different from that saying. There is one problem , people wants to believe that he/she can success when doing favorite thing. Good point is more than favorite… The dream doesn ’ t come true when you do favorite thing. The dream may come when you do thing beside favorite. The dream doesn ’ t need passion nor love , it only need difference from others. A lot of money doesn ’ t come to my wallet yet… I hope I can earn by my ...

The advantage

2019/5/6.  The advantage game There are 2 types of advantages , absolute ( A ) advantage and relative ( R ) advantage. ( A ) advantages are called “ originality ” . ( R ) advantages are skills which are in the job markets. ( A ) advantages has originality , but they are not always useful. ( R ) advantages are always useful , but it is difficult to earn big money only by them. ( My opinion ) It is good that ( A ) advantage is ratio of 20% , and ( R ) advantage is ration of 80% for success. Normal people dislike too much originality. So ( A ) : ( R ) = 20:80 will be good number. And I am thinking about Japan Mensa members… They seem that they can ’ t success because of their intelligence. Top 2% IQ will be disadvantage for the capital game , isn ’ t it? I don ’ t want to think so… IQ is useful material for life. So high IQ is important , but how to use it is more important. And using 80% of it for relative advantage , and 20% of i...

The unbelievable

2019/5/4.  The  unbelievable: Bank Of Japan is still buying Japan ETF. Bank Of Japan ( BOJ ) is buying Japanese companies ’ stocks via ETF. This is price keep operation ( PKO ) . PKO must be done in recession. But Japan gov announces that economy is better than past. PKO is being done by BOJ. So something is wrong between Japan gov ’ s saying and BOJ ’ s action. “ Talk is cheap. ” Japan gov never tell the truth… So I imagine the future. The reasons BOJ is buying ETF are:  ( 1 ) To give Japanese companies money and credits ( 2 ) To protect Japanese companies from buying out by foreign company ( 3 ) To protect Japanese elites ( members & friends ) from shareholders lawsuit  ( 4 ) To make the economy inflation and be ready for inflation ( 5 ) To keep stock price higher and increase money in Japan First , BOJ might start buying ETF for ( 5 ), then BOJ ’ s action become that it is impossible to stop. So BOJ can ’ t stop bu...

Paid app

2019/5/4. Paid app My 6th app will be paid one. I thought paid app must be perfect , but it ’ s not true. I want to make paid app as early as I can. Because I want to quit my current job. Maybe my boss wants to fire me , I don ’ t know this is true. The fact is that my current job is temporary for my life. My 5th app “ 1min Quiz ” is waiting for Apple ’ s review. When the app is released , I will start make 6th app. I am enjoying thinking about how much money I can earn from app making. It will be under I expect , but it is not problem. One & half years ago , I started learning Swift programming. Now I can dream about earning by programming apps. This is great. I am the developing developer , and my skill gets higher.

Who does MMT sacrifice?

2019/5/3.  Who does MMT sacrifice? I am not expert about economics , but I know there is no free lunch. The Question:Who does MMT sacrifice? The persons who want to be richer. MMT will be the defensive wall that prevent becoming rich from poor. Low interest rates makes rich to be richer , but it prevent poor to be rich. MMT is NDW. No Dream World. 

The future:When will Bank Of Japan(BOJ) give up?

2019/5/2.  The future:When will Bank Of Japan ( BOJ ) give up? BOJ is giving money to riches , its fact.  Why BOJ is giving money to riches , may be the hush money for not telling the truth. The truth is that BOJ is supporting Japan government.  There are some more reasons , but I don ’ t know. Japan society has insider ’ s community , and I am not a member of it. I start thinking about the future that BOJ gives up to support Japan government. If I were the member of insider ’ s community , I think as below. Almost all Japanese are fishes. And I want all fishes by the trap. The trap is blockade of deposit. How to do it by smart way? Collecting scattered money in local banks to the one central bank , YUUCHO bank. Minus interest rates makes local banks not earning money. It makes easy collecting money to the YUUCHO bank. Minus interest rates->Unify local banks->Big bank collect money ->Blockade of deposit I think this...

Hardware skills & Output methods

2019/5/1.  Hardware skills & Output methods I rethink about hard & soft skills. I read my old opinion , and I realized that there may be new relationships between IQ type and output methods. ( My opinion ) I heard that there are 3 types of children in education world. One is prefer to speak , other one is prefer to write and last one is prefer to move his/her body. Each output methods may relate to mouth , hands&legs , and body. And are there any relationship between IQ types and output methods? I think that there may be. This figure shows the relationships. This is just my one opinion , and I don ’ t have any confidence.  But people who has high fugure IQ and verbal IQ may prefer to use hands ( & legs ) for output methods.   P eople who has high number & figure IQ prefer to use mouth for output method.  Hard & Soft skills