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Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak

  Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak I know one pretender to be tough. The person shifted to be weak after he/she lost own bluff. I thought about the difference between real confidence and bluff. Real confidence stands by our sides, but bluff is put on own faces. Real confidence makes us stronger. Bluff can make us both of stronger and weaker. In other words, real confidence is asset, but bluff is risk. The result of bluff will be better or worse than without bluff. (I don’t like such risk, so that I try not to use bluff.) I thought about below matrix. Result With Real confidence Without Real confidence With Bluff Middle Risk and High Return  High Risk and Middle Return Without Bluff Low Risk and Middle Return Middle Risk and Low Return I don’t know this matrix is true, but not so far from true. Then I thought about another things, “Are there perfect method?” If I have real confidence and don’t use bluff, there ar...

The Information Technology

2020/7/31.  The Information Technology I found that Information Technology(IT) has various meanings. 1)Usually IT means; How I work with PC. 2)Advanced IT means; How PC works for me. The 1) means that people have to sit down in front of PC. The 2) means that PC works for people wherever he/she is. And using pc for me needs automation technology & server side technology(24/7 working technology). I am learning Automator(Apple’s app) and server side technology now. Automation and 24/7, these are keywords for IT. And they require low electric energy cost.

The Productivity

2020/7/25.  The Productivity Productivity is indicated by below formula. (Perhaps in office works only) P = ( S - C ) / T P: Productivity S: Sale C: Cost T: Time If we want to increase Productivity, we have some options. (1)Less Cost (2)More Sale (3)Less Time In Japan, low productivity is treated as the problem. The real problem is (2) or (3), I think. The information technology will solve (3), but there will be still the low productivity problem in Japan. If there is no space to increase sale, the productivity is still low. Aging society and closed culture in Japan will depress sale. The Japanese productivity will be improved once, but once. The sale won’t be more in long term view. Low productivity problem in Japan will still be there in future.

The Restart

2020/7/24.  The Restart I restart drawing paintings.

The Silver 3

2020/7/22. The Silver 3 Yeah! Silver's price will be higher. Sky is limit! Silver Rockets Higher, Gold Nears Record in Flight to Havens

The Silver 2

2020/7/21. The Silver 2    I bet almost my money to the Silver.  I hope that the silver price will be higher than ever!



The high pressure between USA and China

2020/6/17.  The high pressure between USA and China Japan threads the needle as U.S.-China animosity hits new highs There is high pressure between USA and China. This is what I expected(?)… And I am enjoying watching it in Japan. Of course, Japan is not safety zone… But it reveals us what truth is. We human are not intelligent animals, only rough animals. This high pressure will end when one side country bankrupt. The bankrupt will be happened in USA side, I think. Sooner or later, China will be Champion in the world. I wanted to stop it, but it looks unavoidable… I wonder I should study Chinese language? And there is one hope I want. The developing countries will develop by this fighting. I mean this fighting is the CHANCE for developing countries. Because they can benefits from at least one side. I hope they can get...

The PHP language

2020/6/14.  The PHP language Recently, I am learning PHP language. PHP language is server-side language, and it is useful for web watching. I wrote below code for web-watching to take the Mensa Japan exam. (I am already Mensa member.)(And I don’t know this code will work well.) Below code notifies with LINE app, so if you want to use it, you have to get permission from LINE development. And you need to set some settings on your smartphone. This is only test code, and if you want to use this code, you need some knowledge about Information technology. And if you can use Linux crontab, this code runs every time. I know you don’t need to take Mensa Japan exam. This is just sample for getting a ticket which is difficult to get online. First, I tried to use e-mail, but the e-mail’s security setting is too difficult. So, I changed to use LINE app. I took few weeks for writing below code, programming is so hard… Of course it is fun. I started learnin...

The Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc:TYO 9501

2020/4/15.  The Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc:TYO 9501 I finished buying the stocks of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc, TYO 9501. I bought 1500 stocks!  It may be small amount of money for rich people, but this is my asset. The Tokyo Electric Power Company’s stock price is very low because of Fukushima Earthquake. And the damage still remains in the Japanese investors’ heart. But very low price, so there is a little space for falling lower. So I bought it. I hope the Tokyo Electric Power Company will restart dividend from this year.

The Corona virus & Bitcoin

2020/4/10.    The Corona virus & Bitcoin  There seems no relation between corona virus and bitcoin. But is it real? I feel these 2 things are signals from the future, evolutionary future. From the spreading speed view, these 2 things are very similar. The spreading speed means the speed which gets into humans’ minds. I mean fear & greed minds. Of course, corona virus is fear mind, and bitcoin is greed mind. Corona virus is spreading the fear. Bitcoin spreads the greed. I want to think this theme more...

The Recycle

2020/4/5.  The Recycle I closed my another Japanese language website, and am trying recycling it for web scraping by Python. I am trying to face with option trading, seriously. For it, web scraping by Python is needed, not making macOS app by Swift. Learning web scraping is difficult, but this skill helps me a lot. Linux with Python is useful tool, so I chose it. Option trading is more difficult than learning web scraping. Option trading is one of my life tasks. I hope I can do well.

The Dirty 5 rings

2020/3/31.  The Dirty 5 rings I heard some Japanese used money to Olympic members. Humm. I think it is true. Because it is asian way.(Or perhaps only Japanese way.) I wanted watching Tokyo Olympic at the stadiums, but I couldn't. Because I missed lottery. So I don't care if Tokyo Olympic will open or not.

The $100

2020/3/21.   The $100 I earned $100(¥10000) by Nikkei Option trading. It’s small amount of money, but I satisfied… Recently, the bear is so strong, put option is too high priced. Aiming to get rebound was good tactics. And I am buying specific defensive stock. I can’t write the name, but this is bargain sales in my life.