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The brain absorption companies:Consulting Firms make the world worse

  The brain absorption companies:Consulting Firms make the world worse Background I saw the news that many highly educated persons in Japan try to join in consulting firms. Their purposes may be short term profits and early retirements. I knew their purposes because I had same purpose… Consulting Firms make the world better or worse? Consulting Firms doesn’t make new products nor new fields, they only try to win competitions. They make the world worse. Brain absorption companies Consulting Firms are the brain absorption companies which absorb the thinking of business managers. Consulting Firms try to take charge of CEOs’ thinking. So that Consulting Firms absorb client companies’ brains. Consulting Firms’ arm They admire business professors’ theory. They use it as arm to client companies. However, theory doesn’t allow just one counterexample. Business professors’ theory is not to be called theory, it is to be called as hypothesis or idea (or joke). So that consulti

The Lie

  2020/9/12.  The Lie Telling a lie is a trick that can only be done by looking down at the other person’s intelligence. This is the opinion from Quora@Japan.製作側が激推ししたのにユーザーに嫌われまくった I think that this opinion is true. When I told a lie, I have looked down other person’s intelligence. I sometimes feel regret about it. If someone tells a lie, he/she looks down to others. This phenomenon is everywhere in internet world and real world. One control method is using words intelligent level. Some people understand abstract words, but some people only understand concrete words. This difference is words intelligent levels. Fighting happens in same intelligent level. So some intelligent people manipulate others to fight each other. (Just like Republican vs Democrat.) How about education? Education is done for what? I hope people wake their original talents up. But government doesn’t want to do it. I don’t care about whether current education is good o

The Softbank (Gamma Squeeze)

2020/9/6.   The Softbank (Gamma Squeeze) Guilty, the Softbank is. I read this news, and I feel so at the first. I don’t know the Softbank intended to make gamma squeeze. Gamma Squeeze: On my understand, Gamma Squeeze method makes arbitrage traders buying stocks. This is nearly crime as market manipulation crime. Then I rethink about Softbank’s action. This is similar to Japan’s Bubble Burst by Foreign investors. At it, they shot Nikkei Features by option trading. I don’t know Softbank’s action is revenge from past. The man who hits others has to be prepared to be hit. This is one rule. If the Nasdaq index goes higher, Softbank will get profit and stock of USA’s IT sections. If the Nasdaq index goes lower, the President Trump may not be next president. Hummm… Softbank is advance corp from Ch

The Fire (Greece vs Turkey)

2020/8/30.  The Fire (Greece vs Turkey) I saw the news that the pressure between Greece and Turkey is increasing. But is it real? I searched it by Google Trends. The interests are: Greece:62 Turkey:7 UK:16 Some Africa countries:11 to 30 USA:4 Russia:Under 1 Hummm. I am interested in this trend. USA and UK may be Greece side. And Russia and Turkey may be same side, but not interested in this news. I believe that I am not conspiracy theorist. But UK people are interested in the pressure between Greece and Turkey. What by and for? I don’t hove opinion about this trend. But there is my opinion. Greece people seems to see the turkey as enemy, but Turkey people doesn’t seem not to see the Greece as enemy. And I wonder this pressure become the fire for WW3. I don’t know the future. But I believe that I don’t buy Turkey’s currency by FX. It is too risky.

The USA President Election

2020/08/29.  The USA President Election The USA President Election race has started. And Japan Prime ministar Abe quits. What I feel from this 2 facts is that Mr.Joe Biden vs President Trump will be confusing. I mean that Japan Government seems to think that which 2 men will win has equal possibilities.  Or Mr.Joe Biden may have small advantage to President Trump. This is because Japan Prime minister Abe quits instead of he had a connection to President Trump. And Japan government allowed him quitting. Japan government has been following USA government.  The 2 facts’ timing is linking. And in the future, I think that connector between USA and China will be lost.

The Silver

2020/8/26.    The Silver  Silver price is sluggish. Hummm...  This is because the stock price is getting higher. And the government seems to be depended on the high stock prices for keeping their seats. If gold & silver prices gets higher, it means that the trust to the government is decreasing. So I keep on holding the silver.


2020/8/15.  The MMT MMT is Modern Monetary Theory, which means that Governments can print own money infinity, so they can print their bond infinity. (Of course, I don’t believe this.) Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) And I am searching about this word for silver investment. I found one trend about MMT. India, Tajikistan, and Syria people are more interested in MMT than Japanese. Japan gov has huge debts, and it has printed a lot of bonds. So I see that Japanese are interested in MMT. But India, Tajikistan and Syria have more interested in MMT. What does this trend mean? I think that these 3 countries have wants to believe MMT. It means that their gov bonds are not good condition. Conversely, Italy may be far from gov default. Because EU and Euro currency will protect Italy gov.

The Information Technology

2020/7/31.  The Information Technology I found that Information Technology(IT) has various meanings. 1)Usually IT means; How I work with PC. 2)Advanced IT means; How PC works for me. The 1) means that people have to sit down in front of PC. The 2) means that PC works for people wherever he/she is. And using pc for me needs automation technology & server side technology(24/7 working technology). I am learning Automator(Apple’s app) and server side technology now. Automation and 24/7, these are keywords for IT. And they require low electric energy cost.

The Productivity

2020/7/25.  The Productivity Productivity is indicated by below formula. (Perhaps in office works only) P = ( S - C ) / T P: Productivity S: Sale C: Cost T: Time If we want to increase Productivity, we have some options. (1)Less Cost (2)More Sale (3)Less Time In Japan, low productivity is treated as the problem. The real problem is (2) or (3), I think. The information technology will solve (3), but there will be still the low productivity problem in Japan. If there is no space to increase sale, the productivity is still low. Aging society and closed culture in Japan will depress sale. The Japanese productivity will be improved once, but once. The sale won’t be more in long term view. Low productivity problem in Japan will still be there in future.

The Restart

2020/7/24.  The Restart I restart drawing paintings.

The Silver 3

2020/7/22. The Silver 3 Yeah! Silver's price will be higher. Sky is limit! Silver Rockets Higher, Gold Nears Record in Flight to Havens

The Silver 2

2020/7/21. The Silver 2    I bet almost my money to the Silver.  I hope that the silver price will be higher than ever!



The high pressure between USA and China

2020/6/17.  The high pressure between USA and China Japan threads the needle as U.S.-China animosity hits new highs There is high pressure between USA and China. This is what I expected(?)… And I am enjoying watching it in Japan. Of course, Japan is not safety zone… But it reveals us what truth is. We human are not intelligent animals, only rough animals. This high pressure will end when one side country bankrupt. The bankrupt will be happened in USA side, I think. Sooner or later, China will be Champion in the world. I wanted to stop it, but it looks unavoidable… I wonder I should study Chinese language? And there is one hope I want. The developing countries will develop by this fighting. I mean this fighting is the CHANCE for developing countries. Because they can benefits from at least one side. I hope they can get ben