China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.
2024/4/18. Lack of Trust between USA and China Trust is caused by imagination. Imagination needs knowledge and understanding. Lack of trust often be caused by understanding. If there seems to be lack of trust, we have to use our brains for understanding to others. Relationship between USA and China seems to be losing trust. This is caused by lack of understanding about Japan government policy. Japan government have been wanting USA and China not to have trust each other. In fact, Japan government has been supporting for Taiwan with one purpose. The purpose is to stop relationships between USA and China.