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The Spider’s Thread

The Spider’s Thread Background I recalled one story “The Spider’s Thread” by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa.'s_Thread This story tells us about to save only his/herself is bad things. My idea This story can apply everything in our minds. Developed countries have/had tried to save only own countries. Developed countries provided fake help to developing countries for maintaining advanced position. In 21st century, the way is no use. Now, Global South appears.  

7 features of the person who doesn’t grow up even if others gives good feedback

7 features of the person who doesn’t grow up even if others gives good feedback It is very important that receiving right feedback by others for growing up. This is just like Rocket. There is no rocket which fly as straight without feedback. Person’s growing is just like rocket. And there are 7 features of the person who doesn’t grow up even if others gives good feedback. 1 Too much positive thinking without specific reason 2 Usually saying “It’s OK.” 3 Usually saying “ You are right, BUT I think...” 4 Positive thinking about feedback 5 Denying feedback 6 Misunderstanding the essence of feedback 7 Acting like listening feedback # This article is summary of below article.

The ways to run away from poor

2016/9/28  The ways to run away from poor 1. Learning English 2. Being able to use fundamental math +-×÷ 3. Caring about own health These 3 things are not enough rules, but necessary. English is very common language in the near future. Using fundamental math helps you when you use/earn money. Caring about your health is important. Because medical care is expensive in orthodox country.

You can [Not should or must] get angry with others who discriminate you...

2016/9/28. You can [Not should or must] get angry with others who discriminate you... You can get angry with others who discriminate you... This is one simple rule. You can get angry with others, otherwise you will get angry with yourself. I could not get angry with bully when I was poor. But I don't think that I should get angry with them. It's only past. There are a lot of discrimination in the world. Because of poor, blood, family name, skin color, male/female... These reason are labels...  In fact, discrimination is human nature. So we, who are discriminated, can choose the reaction including fighting to discrimination. Of course you can forgive discrimination. And if you do so, another people, like you, will suffer in other place by same kind of people.   You can choose reactions to discriminations... 

Research method: Comparing, comparing and comparing

2016/9/28 Research method: Comparing, comparing and comparing Without comparing, we can't research things. Or not only things, but person. (My opinion) When people meet to the others, people compares with roll models, just like blank models in scientific experiments. And if people meet to the very unknown others, what he/she do is comparing to own self, and accept or deny. In addition, when people deny others, there are the impressions that people can't accept. When people deny you at first meeting, it's not your fault. It's just only accident.

Feeling, thinking & imaging: How to unite them for Dream?

2016/9/28 Feeling, thinking & imaging: How to unite them for Dream? What is feeling, thinking & imaging? Feeling: The emotion to the things Thinking: The words in thought Imaging: The whole impression to the things In the success manual books, it has written about uniting feeling, thinking & imaging for dream is important. And how to change them? I make whole impression after feeling, and then I make thinking. 3 Step to make them (in my case) 1. Feeling about things 2. Making whole impressions 3. Thinking by replacing to the words To unite them, it's not enough to change thinking, and it needs changing the whole impressions. Focusing on whole impressions, especially good impression, is best way to unite 3 things. For example, I don't like noisy people. But there are reasons that being noisy. So if I find the reasons, I can change the whole impressions to noisy people. Focusing on whole impressions, this is important. #Nobody's perfect.

Homepages for Big company: Is IT important? TOYOTA vs VW

2016/9/27 Homepages for Big company: Is IT important? TOYOTA vs VW I visited TOYOTA & VW home pages. Which site map is easy to understand? I feel that TOYOTA. Because of just size of characters. Not so small, but not so large. VW's is a little difficult to read.

Japanese Selfish mind to foreigners: Blood, Money and Kingdom

2016/9/27 Japanese Selfish mind to foreigners: Blood, Money and Kingdom I am Japanese, but I sometimes feel that a lot of Japanese have importance to their blood, money and kingdom. New Japanese Game Labels Enemies As "Immigrants" This article is obvious symbol of Japanese mind... I feel shame to it.

Twitter: Who buy this news media?

2016/9/27 Twitter: Who buy this news media? News media becomes diversity from TV & newspaper. On the smartphone, there are some Applications instead of TV & newspaper. The ways to one news are variety, but the starting point to news is limited, smartphone & PC. On the PC, Browser is starting point. And on the smartphone, Applications may be starting point. Twitter is mainly Applications for the media on smartphone. So I think that the company who has strength to the Browser, is suitable for Twitter. Because the company can assist Twitter without inside competition. Google or Microsoft or Firefox... Firefox may not have enough money...

High Efficiency without effect: Poor strategy with great tactics

2016/9/27 High Efficiency without effect: Poor strategy with great tactics Strategy: Aiming to effect Tactics: Improving efficiency High efficiency without effect is this: Poor strategy with great tactics. There are 4 patterns about strategy and tactics in economy. 1. Great strategy with great tactics. Excellent company. 2. Great strategy with poor tactics. Excellent company in bad terms. 3. Poor strategy with great tactics. Commodity company in good terms. 4. Poor strategy with poor tactics. Commodity company. I think that the difference between excellent company and commodity company is the attitude to the effects or money. Excellent company aims to get effects and gets money as the result. Commodity company chases money. It is hard to identify excellent company in bad terms and commodity company in good terms from outside. If I meet to the commodity company in good terms, in fact the high efficiency without effect, I can learn the great tactics from that company.

Some hackers have been linked to my blog from hacked pages!

Some hackers have been linked to my blog from pages where they hacked... This is troublesome. I don't know this is only my misunderstanding or not. In the red circle URL, I jump into strange pages!

From my failures in business

2016/9/26 My failures in business There are a lot of my failures in business. But I found that they are from lack of manners. If I want to be an artist, there is no need to learn manners, but I am employer in business. So I have to learn manners in Japan. Japan manners principle The mix of Chinese culture and Europe culture are standard in Japan. Pride, procedure and format. The 3 principles in Japan are these. Almost Japanese businessmen focus on 3 principles. 1. Pride. If they do the business, do they can keep their pride? 2. Procedure. Is procedure correct? 3. Format. Are there old formats in past? Not American style nor Global style, Japanese style is mixed with Chinese and EU style. I think it is old, and not fast, and hard to change from inside...