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The Spider’s Thread

The Spider’s Thread Background I recalled one story “The Spider’s Thread” by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa.'s_Thread This story tells us about to save only his/herself is bad things. My idea This story can apply everything in our minds. Developed countries have/had tried to save only own countries. Developed countries provided fake help to developing countries for maintaining advanced position. In 21st century, the way is no use. Now, Global South appears.  

Cashless world + Minus interest rates

2016/12/31. Cashless world + Minus interest rates Cashless shopping is credit/debit card payment. This cashless shopping shows our characters and personal information. There is some advantages of cashless shopping.  Safety, simple & security. Maybe governments prefer Cashless shopping more than cash shopping. Because if we use cash, there are some risks for governments. When hyper inflation happens, the cash is trash, and if governments want to end the hyper inflation, the new cash will be digital cash. And advanced countries have huge debts, and they cannot raise interest rates. There is the conflict! Huge debts vs Minus interest rates in advanced countries. How to solve the conflict? Orthodox 3 steps 1 Printing a lot of cash in Minus interest rates. 2 Making hyper inflation in real cash world. 3 Switching to cashless digital money world. Cash is trash (credit) or trust? This question may includes solution for that conflict. If many people believe cash is onl

None feedback

2016/12/29. None feedback from others in Japanese company Feedback is not always visible or sound , especially the fact of feedback is hidden by various suits. And in Japanese company, I often see the scene that ignorance to the people who did careless mistakes. Others don't say anything about the careless mistakes in front of the person, but in background, others speak ill of the person. This is none feedback. None feedback from others is very bad feedback, but in Japanese company, it is often. Why none feedback happens? In my experience, there are some reasons. When the person who made mistakes is upper than others, others want the person to fall out. When the person is equal level to others, others want the person not to promote. When the person is lower level, others want to make the person the targets for inner circle. I rethink that none feedback in company is bad signal for organization... None feedback happens when the company is bad statements!!!

Cheaper work

2016/12/29. Cheaper works: Hard competition makes expensive work cheaper. In Japan, there are some people who thinks there are a lot of workers, and they are exchangeable easily. This thought can't stand on human populations decreasing society. And in this society, the flow that provides products cheaper and cheaper cannot keep. Now, Japanese society is standing on that thought, and Japanese system hardly stands. This is by the patience of Japanese. When the breaking point of Japanese system comes, the counter of patience will keeps long time. And I think that communism never comes in Japan. Because Karl Marx doesn't think about human populations decreasing...

Some keywords from music

These days, I noticed some keywords from music... Team, Crew, Ride, Star ships... I think that some dreamers insert these words to music... It's not bad... And when I found the connection between Siri & Krewella, I couldn't read what Siri said on display... This is tragedy... I only read some message on display that "I think and think ...."

My vision for world economy in future

2016/11/29. My vision for world economy in future I think that money which is provided by Japan and EU central banks, will goes to USA. And USA gets the benefits from it. USA can invest better than Japan and EU banks... USA can create new business chances and rules. USA business company borrows money by lower interest rates from foreign countries, and invests for higher interest rates. USA will gets benefits by foreign money. And I think big & global company will win from USA's better economy. EU company has a little advantage for this business chance, and Japan has better advantages than EU, I think... Because it seems that USA looks on EU big company as enemy. For example VW and German banks... How long does USA better economy last? From 4-10 years or so, I think. Because Japan and EU central banks have to keep the interest rates as very low, especially Japan. Because of huge debts of each governments. So low interest rates makes one top country as very rich, an

What I thought about A.I.

2016/11/23. What I thought about A.I. A.I. will be winning to the sports of intelligence. Sports of intelligence are just like Chess, Shogi, and Card games... And I think that A.I. will be tools for next human life, just like car airplanes. Car helps human life more convenience, and runs faster than human running. By car and airplanes, human can go somewhere without a lot of effort. So next human life will be no need to have thinking. With less effort for thinking is next human life. People uses car instead of running, and people will uses computer and A.I. instead of thinking. I think that next human doesn't use their own intelligence as much as now. And less thinking power with A.I. will real problems for next human life. People becomes thinking and remembering less and less, this is problem... #I am afraid that I will lose thinking and remembering power...

Higher performance infrastructures

2016/11/12. Higher performance infrastructures=Making real estate value upper If there is higher performance infrastructures, the real estate value is upper.  And industry costs, such like electric power cost, are lower. Higher performance infrastructures = •Well flat roadway •Airport with good service •Bridge: Safety •Railway: Lower cost of transportation •Electric power: Not all free because of publicity And the aim of making the higher performance infrastructures is not only making real estate values upper, but the aim of increasing employment. And furthermore, using PFI + Financial technology,  this will helps construction with less government money!

New Medical Care

2016/11/12. New Medical Care What is need for development of new medicines? Personal information for safety data. And the global safety data for new medicines have to spread over the world. I think that much money & time for safety data is pushing up the medicines cost... Which one we choose? Breaking total medical care or sharing safety data for development. So we in developed countries have to share safety data for developing medicines... I mean that making & sharing safety data bases to the company is important for lower medicines costs. There is bad cycle of new medicines. Selling new medicines-Happening deaths-Too huge paying-Fear for next paying-Costing too much money for safety-Selling new medicines by higher prices!!! Lower costing for safety is important!!!

Value up the USA economy, please!!!

2016/11/11. Value up the USA economy, please!!! Mr.Trump will be next USA president!!! Please make the USA economy value up! I think it just like real estate investment. And the real value of economy is human beings. Human beings are standing on the ground, real estate. So President Trump will be good economic politician!!!

VW: From crisis to chance by excellent view

2016/11/5. VW: From crisis to chance by excellent view Shifting to electric cars makes VW to be bigger & trustable company! 3 factors to be advantages •No Air pollution : Environmental free •Lower energy cost than gasoline: not yet •Lower prices of cars: This needs time. Renault groups may use Mitsubishi car company as electric car company for test models...

Skills Portfolio for working

2016/10/31. Skills Portfolio for working Portfolio: This is set of well balanced asset. Investors word... I think that the concept of portfolio can be applied for skills for working. Well balanced skills makes working richer... Maybe there are more than 3 kinds of skills portfolio for working. (•To person skill •To things skill •Language skill •Mathematics skill) And I heard that there is 2 important concepts of portfolio; Put all in it or Avoid risk by dispersion. Concentration or dispersion. To get success, concentration is important. To get safety, dispersion is important. Thinking about skills portfolio, it's interesting.

Male & Mail: 2 Enemies for Hillary

2016/10/31. Male & Mail: 2 Enemies for Hillary There are 2 enemies for Hillary, Male; Trump & Mail; E-mail trouble... And this is last trouble for her. And e-mail trouble is more important than Male. I think that these troubles are just like staging for her success life! Spice is little hot, but it's needed to life! Dice of destiny is given to the ground...