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High IQ : Middle IQ is not = Middle IQ : Low IQ

High IQ : Middle IQ is not = Middle IQ : Low IQ 150:100 = 100: 66 This is true... But if these numbers are IQ, this is not true. The relationship between high IQ and middle IQ is not equal to middle IQ and low IQ. Majority in this society is strong tool to live with team. High IQ people feels like very minority in this middle IQ society. But information technology saves high IQ people, because they can find other high IQ people. (Just my opinion) Why middle IQ people dislike high IQ people is below; If there is low IQ people, middle IQ people often laugh at low IQ people. So middle IQ people easily thinks that high IQ people laughs at middle IQ people. Middle IQ people don't want to be laughed at by high IQ people, so they dislike peoples who can break their prides.

Siri & Earth

2017/1/22. Siri & Earth Does A.I. love the earth? Or will A.I. copy the action for the earth by human? I don't know the answers. Some people concern about the earth future, but some don't. And latter some have big power in the world. The tragedy of common space, the earth will be eaten faster than now. How to stop the earth being the tragedy of common space, I think that "Recognition is all" will save. The earth's last life is not so long,  and knowing how much materials, air and water are left in the earth is essential method to make the common recognition. Not every people knows how much materials are left for human. Does the earth have enough air, metal and gasoline for every people having cars? Obviously, no...

Emotionics 4

What make emotion by? How to make emotion in control? 1. What make emotion by? Emotion is made for right judgement by non-language brain areas. There are strong connection between language & emotion by united zone. The below figure is just my opinion.     2. How to make emotion in control? (3 steps) -1 Start by joy for using Dopamine circuit. -2 Give signal of joy by random frequency for confusing language thinking. -3 Cut the connection between language & emotion by sense of guilt. #Sense of guilt is the difference between language thinking and emotional feeling.#   3. How to delete the sense of guilt? Realizing the sense of guilt is most important. And sense of guilt is not to miss!

Emotionics 3

How to make Emotions such like Chemical Reaction? 1. Reactants, fields and energy Reactants:Topics & Persons; Information about interesting topics and persons. Fields: Place which reactants react; On the web, street, conference room and so on. Energy: Heat in the pace; This heat is also standing on distance among topics and persons. 2. How to start emotion reaction chemically? 3 steps -1 Search the fields -2 Put the topics or persons in the fields with heating -3 Put the topics and persons together 3. How to stop emotion reaction? -1 Put out reactants, topics or persons -2 Leave from fields -3 Stop heating the fields


How to effect emotional? 1. Language thinking vs Emotional feeling People may prospect that the power of language thinking :emotional feeling = 1:1. I think that the ratio of it may be 1:3, 1:5 on the web. On the websites, people gets angry easier than real life. Because the enhanced looping of intermediate emotions, has no brakes on the web. And there may be business chances about that enhanced looping. 2. Result of “Thinking vs Feeling”, from vs to & When people makes a decision, he/she converts vs to & by uniting. Ordinary people takes a balance of thinking & feeling. If thinking is negative and feeling is positive, the answer may be well-balanced answer. 3. How to effect emotional? There may be less brakes of enhanced looping about emotions on the web than the real life. Putting on brakes for enhancing intermediate feelings is essential method. And another essential method is putting out brakes for acceleration looping...

Emotionics ( Alike EQ)

Emotionics (Alike EQ) What is emotion? And how can we control emotion? 1. What is emotion? Emotion is feeling connected to action. Emotion is intermediate in process of reaction. Emotion is intermediate & result of reaction process. 2. How can we control emotion? There are 3 types of emotion, origin, intermediate & result. Intermediate emotions has another root that accelerate emotions. And language thinking is affected by emotions. For ordinary people, language thinking is done by left brain, and having emotions by right brain. Right brain may have enhancing loops. And knowing effect of emotions is how to control emotions. 3. Clusters of common values Common values are standing on intermediate emotions. If intermediate emotions are same, common values are easily confirmed. Intermediate emotions are the emotions before people reacts to specific information.

Common values

2017/1/21. Common values: What & How does people pay money to? People have own values, and people pay money to what people feel to buy. I think this is values to pay. And in SNSs society, people makes clusters between alike team, they are standing by common values. Common values are corresponding to ages, income, family levels, IQ and so on. #So not every smart people can understand this common values, because this common values are near to feelings.# If we want to get money, we have to realize and analyze this common values of a lot of clusters. What people pay money to is clusters' common values. And how people pay money to clusters' common values is depending on payments methods. Credit cards or cash, the price is high or low for clusters, the chances to paying is once or high frequency? Replacing from clusters' common values to specific words, this replacement is very important in now.

High sensitivity person about own reputation

2017/1/19. What suffers me? How it suffers me? High sensitivity about reputation! Difference between selfish self-image and reputation others people see about me, this difference often makes me suffering. If the expectations to me is high, I feel so pressure. If the expectations to me is low, I feel so bad that I am treated as foolish. And how the difference makes me suffering? The difference is made by my own brain! How to stop suffering is how to stop making selfish self-image & minding my reputation! Some say that "Reputation is all", but I think that "Recognition is all". If reputation suffers me, I don't want such reputation. Such reputation by others is no use for my happiness! And I was used to enter the enhance looping, this looping is standing on combination of self-images and reputation. If reputation is bad, self-images are bad. If reputation is good, I was pressured that keeping the good reputation and self-images easily gets ...

Premium vs orthodox

2017/1/15. Premium vs orthodox:Orthodox customer wants cheaper! Premium customer wants value! Orthodox customer wants cheaper prices. Not every customer wants cheaper prices. They are premium customers. Premium customer wants value. Premium customer vs orthodox customer There are spectrum between premium customer and orthodox customer. Upper class than poor customer, lower middle class customers are not all orthodox customers. They take a cost what they like. So not all shopping is orthodox for them. And upper class than middle class, every shopping won't be premium. Not every rich family take a high cost for every shopping. And in this society, there are a lot of human clusters and spiderwebs. Human clusters: The Chung of one kind people; they have same age, habits, income, stocks, and IQ. Spiderwebs: The connection between human clusters; SNSs connect them easily. Human clusters, this is the target of next analysis.

UA:China vs Japan, and United Asia

2017/1/14. The root to be King in Asia: China vs Japan, just like cold wind vs warm sun!? Does Asia unite as EU? I think Yes. Because there are some signals as the prides as Asian. Some signals reveal in some Asia places, for example famous Korean pop stats are popular in other Asia. Asian is beginning to have common culture and values, and they causes Asia as united one organization. Information technology, such like Facebook & Youtube, drive this phenomenon faster. In recently, China and Japan are compared by some countries, such as Philippines. This is beginning of fighting about king in Asia.  This fighting is dangerous game, but interesting. And other countries want China and Japan to give some economic benefits by comparing China and Japan. This phenomenon is enhanced looping, but not minus looping for world. If this comparing keeps longer, some Asia will get economic benefits, and take growth. And if there is not war between China and Japan, Asia will be richer a...

Learning English at iTunes U

2017/1/12. Learning English at iTunes U! English, this is difficult language for Japanese, because of low frequency of use. And we Japanese usually think that we HAVE TO use perfect English, I mean we are afraid of using imperfect English. We Japanese are very afraid of taking mistakes in communication with foreigners. This causes us that avoiding to learn English and making closed culture.

Picture: Sunrise

We can't live without Sun...

Picture: Chicken without money

Picture: Stars stay on sky