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Wisdom indicators

  Wisdom indicators I felt that information technologies changed the world. They also changed wisdom indicators. I thought wisdom indicators were IQ, Patents and academic papers in the past. Now, I think the wisdom indicators are numbers of published Apps, SNS views and followers. If we don’t know the changes of widom indicators, we will be left to the past.

World(USA) real estates: Red flag

2018/1/29.  World ( USA ) real estates: Red flag There ’ s a big red flag in this report on the economy Housing bubble is big problem for our life. We can ’ t live without house , but I don ’ t want to live with 25-30 years housing loan. ( In Japan , 25-30 years housing loan is general. It ’ s too long! ) Sooner or later , the asset prices will fall down suddenly. The wave of asset prices leads the rich to the richer , and poor to the poorer. This is what I didn ’ t want to tell in my blog. But the wave of assets prices , are sieves to separate the people rich or poor. If the wave is big , very rich people survive & the others lose their assets. If the wave is small , small rich survive & small poor lose their assets. I learned this fact from my job. To ride the wav...


2018/1/29. Our thinkings:Made from informations around us. We are made from what we have eaten , so our thinkings are made from what we have inputted , right? I think it ’ s right. Changing the way we think is difficult , changing the way we do is easy , it is said. And how to change our thinking is relying on the information we input. These days , I try to read English blog ( Medium ) & books ( Swift programming & investment ), and this action is the seed for the future of my life. The seed will grow up in 3 months later , because it takes a little long terms. Now I am reading the book  “ A gift to my children ” by Jim Rogers. He is one of greatest investors in the world. I have read his books in Japanese edition.  In the book , deciding what is important for me & what I want to do , is made by myself. I sometimes think what is important for my life & what I want to do in my life , and what isn ’ t important & what I do...


2018/1/27. Japanese Teamwork & emergency system  ( Just my opinion ) I think that Japanese teamwork is standing on fears for being outsiders. I mean that teammates don ’ t trust each other from deep mind , there is only fear for being outsiders.  Closedness & Aggressiveness are in Japanese characters. Or only aggressive is there , and it makes people closed. Aggressive to the foreigners often is shown in news , but real aggressiveness is shown to the outsiders in Japan. ( Of course , I am one of outsiders in Japan... ) And I think that Japanese are not peaceful. Japanese after WW2 , are blocked by the world , so they showed their aggressiveness by economy.  Now , Japan Economy has big problems , for example , aging society , huge government ’ s debts & foreign affairs by North Korea. So Japanese Tops ( not Emperor ) will make the emergency system by using the North Korea problem.  Emergency system:Money , energy & pe...

Twitter: This is block app for learning

2018/1/24.  Twitter: This is block app for learning I quit Twitter app for a while , because it doesn ’ t help learning Swift programming language… Swift programming… This is more difficult than I thought. What by? It ’ s no excuse that I haven ’ t learn programming. But I don ’ t know how to talk with machine ( i.e. Programming ) . And I research about error message to understand machine principles & reasons. It takes too much time to solve errors… The distance what I want to do on PC and what I can create on PC , is very far… But I want to learn Swift , and make the distance being near is standing on my efforts. Learning machine language is just like teaching to the infants… Very difficult infants… They have a lot of passibility , but if I take a mistake , for example from “,” to ” . ”, they never moves… They don ’ t forgive my small mistakes… Maybe they think my small mistakes as very big… I rethink that the difficulties to learn machi...

World stocks market: Attention, please!

2018/1/21. World stocks market: Attention , please! Fear&Greed Index:80 extremely greed BofA Warns Bull Market Capitulation Has Begun as Bears Surrender Fear & Greed index got over 80 , and Bloomberg article shows the world economic airplanes will land to ground in soon. So attention , please!

Online boot camp for Swift

2018/1/21.  Swift Programming: Online BootCamp I started 4 weeks online bootcamp for learning Swift programming , Because it is hard for me to learn by only myself…  The rest of bootcamp is 18 days. I do learning harder. And the decision is right , I think. My programming skill is raising more than that I learned by myself. Methods for learning Swift Online bootcamp Reading books Coding Feedback And I found Swift language can be used for MacOS. This is good! What I want to create... iPhone App:Tools something good for asphalt pavement. MacOS App:Investments with automation. iPad App:Watching tools which can be used for my Machine. I do my best for being creative...

Japan: This aging minds

2018/1/20. Japan: This aging minds Japanese society obviously being older. Of course , we can ( could ) change the society ’ s system , but we can ’ t ( couldn ’ t ) change the others ’ minds. I live in Japan and work in traditional company. And in traditional company , there is the system that eliminates the people who can change company. The system is standing on the mind. This mind is that people doesn ’ t want to change lifestyle. Of course , some people want not to change their lifestyle , especially Middle Ages. They have big home loans.  I think that individuals ’ loan affects to people ’ s mind being more conservative. So if we want to change some systems , making our loans less will be effective. Raising prices of real estate will be heavy stone to change systems in future. Because the economy is standing on people ’ s minds. #I thought that raising prices of real estates was good signal for economy , but there is no magic stick in economy....

Machine language

2018/1/17. Machine language will make my strength more effective  I am learning Swift programming language , and this skill will make my strength more effective. I think that Machine language will make own strength more effective. I mean that if I want many people to know my strength , using Machine language will help it. If I only know Machine language , it will not enough for success. But if I have another skill , such as society language or science language , Machine language will accelerate my skill. Knowing only Machine language makes me pushing into harder competition. Harder competition... This is what I have to avoid , because I don ’ t have much energy.  ( When I was high school student , I was very tired and bored to hard competition in elite school. I wondered why I should be compared to the others or friends. And I also wondered why they liked to compete so hard. I was tired to that Japanese society ’ s system , comparing & competition....


2018/1/16. Too bad thing happened... I couldn ’ t pass the exam what I need in my job... Aaah... My rudeness was appeared in this situation. I didn ’ t study enough , I only had studied 2.5 days for the exam. The result is very natural... Aaah... Having rudeness causes me bad results...

Following money information

2018/1/13. Following money information , is it good strategy for life? There are a lot of money information. We watch them , prefer or not.  Think about money information , what is merit for providing money information? I think that there is one merit , the followers do same thinking as the media intends. This merit , follower ’ s effect , is just like advertising. If we do action after money information without thinking deeply , our money flys away. Following money information is dangerous strategy. Especially , following only stock prices is very toxic to mind. For example ,   J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon Now Says He Regrets Calling Bitcoin a 'Fraud' This article shows that if someone believed & followed what JP Morgan CEO said in past , they would lost chances. ( But Bitcoin , I don ’ t believe this new trick. And I think that JP Morgan CEO doesn ’ t chang...

AI society

2018/1/10. AI society by the AI , to the AI , for the AI Technology companies are creating AI for business.  I read small novel written by AI. And I feel fear , honestly fear. This fear is from feeling that AI can understand me , but I can ’ t understand AI. Honestly this fear is like the people feels fear to another people who has higher IQ or real intelligence.  And I notice that people around me , may feel same fear to me. This fear is caused by the difference of absolute intelligence. Impossible to understand... I feel real fear to the AI ’ s future. First , I thought that I could earn money from lower intelligence society. But if AI deny the action , what should I do? Sooner or later , AI will be set for important positions in human society.  And then what will happen? Maybe some kinds of AI will be there , and these AI will be connected each other.  So in the end , these AI will make own AI society by the AI , to the AI , ...

Hard skills, Soft skills & Energy

2018/1/8. Hard skills , Soft skills & Energy  I think that people has own hard skills , soft skills & energy , like PC , CPU , OS & electric energy. If the people doesn ’ t have energy , the people doesn ’ t work.  And if the people doesn ’ t have property OS , the people often gets angry to the world.  And if the people doesn ’ t have enough CPU , the people often does mistakes. Hard skills means the word skills ( Language skills:Society , Science & Machine ) & IQ. Soft skills means the characters of the people.  Energy means how much power the people can have. These 3 components are important for success , and I focus on OS in this blog now. ( Just my opinion ) OS = Soft skills of people. This OS is divided by 4 types. Type of  Windows:People who dislike strange things or new things. Majority. Mac: People who has unique or like to be seen as unique. Sometimes on the way of running to the profess...

Robert Kiyosaki “Rich dad’s conspiracy of the rich”

2018/1/7. Robert Kiyosaki “ Rich dad ’ s conspiracy of the rich ” :Reading Japanese version I am reading that book , and I noticed that government is only equipment for society. I don ’ t need to like government , it ’ s just the equipment for society to keep country safety. And I have a question that why so many people believe or hate government too much. I think they have the mind that government should help them , instead of their parents. But government is not parents. And government role is shifting from past. From the helping weak people to the helping big companies & riches. This is because the competition is getting harder in world economy. #I need to use the equipment better if I want to live better.

World(USA) stock market:Small signals to caution

2018/1/6. World ( USA ) stock market:Small signals to caution From fear & Greed index by CNN The index is 75 , near 80. This is small signal to caution for USA stock market. The change of FRB chair person , may be the trigger for the stock market shock. And I remembered that this article at 2017/11/8. This $15 Billion Reinsurer Decided to Get Out of Stocks Entirely This article shows that big players were selling their stocks , or already done. And last signal is that finance tightening has already started by main central banks. These some signals shows the happening of shocks of world economy is near. Please take care if you buy stocks from now.