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China Share markets

  China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.


2018/1/6. Trust is more than money Hard skills  •Knowing Unnoticed information deeper & wider •Improving English language skill •Learning Swift programming  These 3 hard skills are what I want to get in this year. And I don ’ t forget that trust is more than money. So sometimes , I will do feedbacks for my hard skills. Property feedbacks improve my skills. #I did good job in my present company by using English skill. I appreciate blog readers , because if no one read my blog , I would not continue writing...

Diary:Words skills

2018/1/4.  Words skills I joined in Japan Mensa , and I feel IQ is important meaning for life. People who have high IQ , tend to have something special abilities. But if there isn ’ t the explaining ability in them , they cannot tell their special abilities. So words skills ( In other words , Communication skill ) are important. Perhaps , words skills are connected with reputation , and some says “ Reputation is all ” . So words skills may be all. ( My opinion ) Words skill are divided by 3 kinds , society words , machine words & science words.  Society words: To the human communications , we use English or Japanese language , or some other languages. If the people has highest English skill , he/she can earn money by this skill. Machine words: This skill is for programming. Knowing programming words may ( I think must ) be essential skill for success. Science words:This skill is knowing mathematics , physics or some other sciences ’ words with un
2018/1/2. Feeling good for learning Swift programming I feel good for learning Swift. Learning Swift reminds me of learning English. Actually , programming Swift on Xcode is easier than I felt at first time.  Of course , I am on beginner ’ s level , but I can imagine my own APP to develop in few months. I think that learning English is more difficult than programming , and it will take few months to master Swift on middle level. At first time , I was very surprised at interface on Xcode , now I like it and feel it as useful. The problem is that I can do coding in short time ,  and my concentration can ’ t keep for long hours.  I can read the programming books for long hours. My learning Swift Steps is slow. I read books , then I do coding , and do feedbacks. Reading books is easier than real coding for me. I learn step by steps, there is no magic stick to learn. #I hope I can master programming Swift till 2018 April!

Rival is past myself

2017/12/29. Past myself vs present myself  Rival is past myself... On my growing up. I noticed that my rival is past myself , not others. I have been compared by others. But is it happy for me? I have high IQ , but the high IQ means that there are lower IQ people. This is only comparison. Relative needs others , there is space for judgement “ good or bad ” .  Comparing to others , needs others. But comparing to past myself , needs only improvement. I try to overcome past myself , not others or classical systems. The future depends on what I do now. I know that others will try to compare me & others , but so what? My rival is past myself only.  All I have to compare with is past myself. ( There also are some exceptions... ) #I can ’ t explain well...

Diary:I restarted learning

2017/12/28. Survive , improve & growth I made my mind to survive , improve & growing up. These are the ways I live. I restarted learning Programming language Swift. I know it will be useful for my life. 3 short parallel steps Reading programming books till I understand Typing on Xcode Keep on feedbacks I will do the steps till 2018/1/3.

Tokyo stock market:Position Zero

2017/12/28. Tokyo stock market:Position Zero  I will change my job , so I need to sell my stocks for some money. And Tokyo stocks market seems to be fantastic. I don ’ t know if the stock price will raise or fall. And I also think that I don ’ t touch unknown things on investment.

Bitcoins:Time chained bomb

2017/12/23.  Bitcoins:Time chained bomb I think the Bitcoin ’ s ending is coming very near or has already came. It seems that the damage of Bitcoin shock will be smaller than I thought. I thought bitcoin shock would be critical damage for this long good economy.   But I hope the technology of bitcoins will be used for next economy.

Bitcoins: Time bomb!

2017/12/17. Bitcoins:Please don ’ t touch crypto currency from now. They ’ re time bombs. I feel very fear for bitcoins ’ prices... If you read this blog , please don ’ t touch/buy bitcoins from now... Because a lot of Japanese are very greed & optimism for bitcoins on Twitter.

Diary: Investment & my bad point

2017/12/16.  “ Zone ” :Book written for Traders Modifying thinking method is difficult , but it is important… And I have to read the book “ Zone ” . This book introduces how to control own mind. And money loss and mistakes are not same. I think that money loss only means result that the thinking method is wrong. And I thought that mistakes includes denying myself. ( Maybe this is not fact. ) Money loss is the signal to modify thinking method. Honestly , I lost some money ( $500 ) by Nikkei option trading in past. And I am rethinking about it… What is wrong about my thinking method? In deep mind , I rushed to make big money by one trading. This is one bad point in my character. And this point was caused by the experience of card games or gambling. Nobody knows the future. This is fact. Important point is how to do in losing situation. How to act in losing situation is the trigger for success. Because winning hides the bad point. But the future of s

Tokyo stock market

2017/12/8. Still is already , already is still In Japan , there is classical investors ’ words , “ Still is already , already is still. ” Difficult words... Still raising is already raised , already raised is still raising. But I think that the Nikkei average score is already raised for 98% in Tokyo stock market. The end is near , I feel. Last 2% raising will be clearly big.  I feel fear for getting money from it... But I try my best! ( With keeping my safety... )