China Share markets Background I am not good at investment. But hedge funds which sell China markets will be afraid of loss through the roof. Big short cover will happen… Exclusive: China to issue $284 billion of sovereign debt this year to help revive economy Conclusion Hedge funds might think Chinese economy would ends. China gov betrayed their expectations in good meaning for Chinese people. Additional thought In this situation, big medias will publish bad stories about China’s economy. This is because big medias’ friends and advertisers are/were in short position for China markets.
2018/6/18. Swift is for iOS & macOS I am learning “ Hacking macOS with Swift ” on Udemy course. I stopped original app development now. Because I need studying more about Swift. Also I am learning “ iOS 11& Swift 4 ” on Udemy. Focusing on Swift Programming Language is needed for me. I hope that Swift will be major standard language in Mac world. And there are some signs about it. Swift is easier to learn , use & understand. Maybe there is not major updates after Swift 4. So if someone want to learn programming , stating from Swift is better , and now is good chance to learn. And I am regret about why I didn ’ t start more quickly. I started learning from last November. I could start more quickly!