Pretender to be tough easily shifts to be weak I know one pretender to be tough. The person shifted to be weak after he/she lost own bluff. I thought about the difference between real confidence and bluff. Real confidence stands by our sides, but bluff is put on own faces. Real confidence makes us stronger. Bluff can make us both of stronger and weaker. In other words, real confidence is asset, but bluff is risk. The result of bluff will be better or worse than without bluff. (I don’t like such risk, so that I try not to use bluff.) I thought about below matrix. Result With Real confidence Without Real confidence With Bluff Middle Risk and High Return High Risk and Middle Return Without Bluff Low Risk and Middle Return Middle Risk and Low Return I don’t know this matrix is true, but not so far from true. Then I thought about another things, “Are there perfect method?” If I have real confidence and don’t use bluff, there ar...
Great rapper (Politician) is not always good rapper for civil or country.
In Japan, Prime minister Sinzo Abe has been on the position so long, it seems that some people becomes boring to him. They want Japan to change something new.
And Koike Yuriko who is female in top of Tokyo gov, will aim to get the position of prime minister. She will be a little left from center, because Sinzo Abe is seen as right conservative. To clear the vs axis is important for election.
And there is one problem. The party Koumei (Behind Koumei, there is specific religon) is a little left from center, too. So does Party Koumei help Koike Yuriko in Japan center diet or not? I am interesting about it.
I think that Sinzo Abe & Koike Yuriko is same kind of people, and they only act right or a little left from center. Politics is game, but war game...
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